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Top 3 players of this finished tournament:

Tournament ended on 7/1/2024 at 8:37:00 AM.

How to join the tournament

Show off your crypto trading skills and join this tournament and take a chance to win awesome prizes! Join this tournament in just four simple steps.

$0 0%

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0Total trades in tournament

Prize Pool

Enter this tournament and win awesome prizes!

1st placeHero subscription
2nd placeAdventurer subscription
3rd placeExplorer subscription

Tournament Rules

There are some limitations and things you must know when participating:

  • A score will only be given when there is a buy-and-sell trade.

  • The score is based on the sell trade for DCA trades after your positions have merged.

  • Using DCA will result in missing trades and, therefore, a lower score.
  • Shorting trades only get scores after a sell and only take into account one buying and selling cycle.

*All Markets means that you can trade any quote currency you like on your exchange to score points. Real funds bots only, so no Paper Trading bots.

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