Market Making Bot
Make the markets,
then profit from it
Trade on the spread, make the markets. It’s a win-win for everybody.
- ProvideLiquidity
- ProfitFrom big spreads
- MakeThe markets
Adapt to changing
Market trends change, so does your trading strategy. Automatically switch between strategies with different market trends. Use indicators to recognize market trends, and configure different trading strategies per market trend.
Analyze automatically
Find your ideal trading
opportunity. Automatically, 24/7
Don’t let the fear of a market shift keep you up at night. With our A.I., your bot can automatically recognise trends and switch to a better strategy, so you can rest easy. Create or download strategies and let your Hopper watch the markets for you, and buy or sell based on your parameters.
Drag and drop order
Markets change fast, so you need to be able to change your order price faster. Easily create buy/sell orders, then drag and drop them to the desired place in the order book when things change.
Other Features
Start trading with Cryptohopper for free!
Free to use - no credit required