
Mobile App Change Log 6.8

22 de set. de 2023 2 min de leitura
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The latest update to the Bitfinex mobile app includes the Recurring Buy feature on Lite mode.

You can also download the latest version of the Bitfinex mobile app from the Android Application Package (APK).

Please share your experience by leaving a review in the app store or by completing the Bitfinex mobile user app survey ! The below changes have been suggested to us by our active customer base. Feedback from our customers is incredibly valuable to us.


  • New Recurring Buy order in Lite Mode


  • Added BNB, DORA, and TOMI token icons

  • Updated chart so that users can set OHLC from the chart settings dialog

  • Show ‘cancel all’ (instead of ‘submit’) as button text in confirm/cancel all order/offer dialogue

  • Fixed select pair auto-scroll to positions panel

  • Fixed Lite order text overflow issue

  • Fixed Loading state of book/table when switching pages

Fast Pay

  • Fixed Fast Pay error message when skipping 2FA

  • Fixed Merchant sub-account verification issue

  • Improved Fast Pay Merchant filter menu

  • Fixed Merchant Map and Swapix Terms of Service showing default theme when the white theme is selected


  • Updated login error message when IP is not whitelisted

  • Fixed the auto-select bug for Openpayd when entering amount

  • Fixed the Bitfinex Pulse loading error when using a taken nickname

  • Added Today’s Earnings notice

  • Updated change UI appearance settings

  • Refactored the login settings batch set

  • Fixed the login setting input misalign issue

  • Fixed the deactivated account showing incorrect theme when using the white theme or colour blind theme

  • Updated new translations

You can also share your feedback with us by joining our Bitfinex Telegram channel and Discord community.

The post appeared first on Bitfinex blog.

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