
Change Log: Version 1.99

3 de jul. de 2024 2 min de leitura
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Version 1.99


  • Updated the order form Ask and Bid prices to become clickable in Market mode

  • Updated the Bitfinex Securities look and feel and added a securities tokens list

  • Updated the search functionality in the token dropdown to include currency symbols and labels on Bitfinex Pulse

  • Updated translations for the OTC verification notice and added translations to tipping address generation on Bitfinex Pulse

  • Updated to change the notifications background in the light theme

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the cancel orders modal showing a wrong pair

  • Fixed the 2FA pop-up layout on small screens

  • Fixed the Depth Chart on small screens to align the loading label

  • Fixed the Increase position minimum amount for SAT mode

  • Fixed the issue of toggling favourites when the scroll bar may briefly flash

  • Fixed API key label length limit

  • Fixed the wallet amount formatting on deposits and withdrawal pages

  • Fixed the conversions Wallet list consistent in conversions and quick transfers

  • Fixed the recent deposits table date

  • Fixed the Max withdraw calculation in internal transfers

  • Fixed the issue where the loading indicator was not hidden for invalid Bitfinex Pulse post-preview links.

The post appeared first on Bitfinex blog.

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