March 2023 Update from Cryptohopper
#trading bot#Announcements#Coinbase+2 mais tags

March 2023 Update from Cryptohopper

Welcome to the latest Cryptohopper user update! As always, we're committed to providing the best possible trading automation experience for our users, and we have some exciting updates to share with you. In this update, we'll cover our integration with Coinbase Advanced, improved labeling for our trading bot configuration features, an enhanced checking mechanism for dust positions on all exchanges, and several bug fixes.


  • Coinbase Advanced integration is ready to use

  • Improved Labeling for Easy Configuration of Trading Bot

  • Enhanced Checking Mechanism for Dust Positions on All Exchanges

  • Several bugs are fixed

Enhance Your Trading Game with Coinbase Advanced on Cryptohopper

We are thrilled to announce that Coinbase Advanced is now live on the Cryptohopper platform, providing our community with an array of advanced trading features.

It's important to note that API keys may take up to two days to become active after they have been created.

We understand that waiting for your API keys to activate can be frustrating, but we are working hard to streamline the process and make it as seamless as possible for you. So, sit tight and rest assured that you'll soon be ready to dive into the world of Coinbase Advanced and explore all the exciting possibilities. Get ready to trade like a pro!

Coinbase Cryptohopper intergration
Coinbase Cryptohopper intergration

Learn how to connect Coinbase Advanced to Cryptohopper

Improved Labeling for Easy Configuration of Trading Bot

Configuring a trading bot can be overwhelming, especially for those who are new to the world of cryptocurrency trading.

That's why the Cryptohopper team is excited to announce significant improvements to the labels in the Baseconfig of the trading bot. These improvements make it easier to understand how each feature works, providing you with a more intuitive and user-friendly experience on the trading platform.

With these changes, we aim to simplify the process of setting up your trading bot and give you more confidence in your trading decisions. Take a look at the new and improved labels and take your trading game to the next level!

Config labels Cryptohopper
Config labels Cryptohopper

Enhanced Checking Mechanism for Dust Positions on All Exchanges

We've made a significant improvement to our checking mechanism for dust positions on all crypto exchanges.

This means that you'll no longer see currencies synced as open positions, preventing errors when you're unable to sell them because the minimum value is not met. With this update, you can trade with ease without any unnecessary errors.

Dust positions Cryptohopper
Dust positions Cryptohopper

New Podcast Episode: A Day in the Life of a Pro Trader - Insights from Siddesh Pratap Singh

We just launched the first episode of our exciting new podcast series, where we delve into the daily life of professional traders. In this episode, we're thrilled to have Siddesh Pratap Singh, a highly experienced trader from a Swiss hedge fund, as our guest.

Get ready to hear about the inner workings of a trader's daily routine, as Siddesh shares his insights, tips, and experiences. This is a unique opportunity to gain an insider's perspective on the world of trading, so be sure to tune in and join us as we explore the fascinating life of a pro trader.

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Bug Fixes

Several bugs on our platform have recently been fixed. Thank you for your patience while we worked to address these issues, and we're thrilled to have them resolved so that you can continue trading with ease.

  • Our team has fixed the login issue that some users have been experiencing

  • We've resolved an important paper trading bug that previously caused double trades.

  • For our iOS and Android users, we are pleased to inform you that the stats issues have been fixed. You can now enjoy a seamless experience on your mobile app.

At Cryptohopper, we remain committed to providing a reliable and efficient platform for all our users. We hope these updates will enhance your trading experience and help you achieve your goals.

Imagem da caixa de entrada


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Bot de trading de criptomoedas automatizado de nível mundial

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Aviso Legal: O Cryptohopper não é uma entidade regulamentada. A operação de bots de criptomoeda envolve riscos substanciais, e o desempenho passado não é indicativo de resultados futuros. Os lucros mostrados nas capturas de tela do produto são para fins ilustrativos e podem ser exagerados. Somente se envolva na operações de bots se você possuir conhecimento suficiente ou procurar orientação de um consultor financeiro qualificado. Em nenhuma circunstância, o Cryptohopper aceitará qualquer responsabilidade perante qualquer pessoa ou entidade por (a) qualquer perda ou dano, no todo ou em parte, causado por, decorrente de ou em conexão com transações envolvendo nosso software ou (b) quaisquer danos diretos, indiretos, especiais, consequenciais ou incidentais. Por favor, observe que o conteúdo disponível na plataforma de social trading do Cryptohopper é gerado por membros da comunidade Cryptohopper e não constitui aconselhamento ou recomendações do Cryptohopper ou em seu nome. Os lucros mostrados no Marketplace não são indicativos de resultados futuros. Ao usar os serviços do Cryptohopper, você reconhece e aceita os riscos inerentes envolvidos na operação de criptomoedas e concorda em isentar o Cryptohopper de quaisquer responsabilidades ou perdas incorridas. É essencial revisar e compreender nossos Termos de Serviço e Política de Divulgação de Risco antes de usar nosso software ou se envolver em qualquer atividade de operação. Consulte profissionais da área jurídica e financeira para obter orientação personalizada com base em suas circunstâncias específicas.

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