Automated Bot Trading Platform Cryptohopper Introduces Portal With Crypto.com
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Automated Bot Trading Platform Cryptohopper Introduces Portal With Crypto.com

Crypto.com is the first cryptocurrency exchange in our new exchange integration system, Portal.

Cryptohopper introduces a new system for exchange integrations called Portal. This system makes trading on Cryptohopper even more enjoyable.

Additionally, with this improvement, we have also implemented Crypto.com's latest API version for a better trading experience.

Introducing Portal

Portal, our new system for exchange integrations, features standardized exchange APIs, improved stability, error logging, and even more accurate data. As a user, you'll notice that trading is smoother, and the connection to the exchange has significantly improved.

We are in the process of migrating all cryptocurrency exchanges to this new system as quickly as possible to ensure that all users benefit from it and to keep Cryptohopper your go-to platform for portfolio management and bot trading.

Thanks to standardization, API adjustments, new exchange integrations, and maintenance will become easier. This will also ensure that all Cryptohopper data can be displayed consistently across different exchanges. For example, you'll see the same trading pair displayed in the same way on various cryptocurrency exchanges.

Benefits of Crypto.com's V1 API

We are proud to announce that, in addition to implementing Portal, we have also integrated Crypto.com's latest exchange API. The new API offers several advantages:

  • All currencies with an equivalent value to the Dollar are unified under "USD_stable_coin." This makes it more user-friendly when switching from USD to USDT as the quote currency.

  • Where you used to have different wallets for different types of trading markets such as spot, futures, and margin trading, this will now be consolidated into one wallet, known as the Unified Wallet. This will result in fewer error messages.

  • The latency has been further reduced, ensuring that trades are executed even faster on Crypto.com. Refer to the chart below for more information.

We have been partnering with Cryptohopper for some time now, and they truly deliver on their promises. It is evident that Cryptohopper traders generate a substantial trading volume, and it gives our traders access to a comprehensive set of trading tools. The Cryptohopper team has always been incredibly friendly and helpful in our interactions. Additionally, they have provided us with invaluable insights to improve our API, enabling us to offer a superior API experience to third parties

said Giuseppe Giuliani, Managing Director at Crypto.com

Portal is a game-changer. Users rightfully expect the very best from us, and Portal ensures that we can more than meet these expectations, enhancing the connection with exchanges, a vital component of Cyptohopper, to work even faster and better. It's truly a pleasure to collaborate with Crypto.com, which is why we've chosen them as the first to onboard onto this system. The rest will soon follow. Given how easily we can now add new exchanges to Cryptohopper, you can expect to see more new exchanges coming on board soon.

Said Ruud Feltkamp, Founder Cryptohopper.

About Crypto.com

Crypto.com is one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, with over 80 million users.

It offers spot, derivatives, and margin trading, as well as an NFT Marketplace, a payment provider, and other services. Crypto.com also holds numerous licenses in countries such as Spain, the Netherlands, and Singapore.

About Cryptohopper

Cryptohopper offers automatic trading for both beginners and experienced traders on 17 different cryptocurrency exchanges. It is an ideal platform for managing all your cryptocurrencies from a single interface.

Use features like trailing stop-loss, Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA), the Strategy Designer, Backtesting, Paper Trading, and more. Our Marketplace provides various options for getting started with automatic trading, including downloading trading strategies, following trading signals, or downloading complete bot templates.

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Aviso Legal: O Cryptohopper não é uma entidade regulamentada. A operação de bots de criptomoeda envolve riscos substanciais, e o desempenho passado não é indicativo de resultados futuros. Os lucros mostrados nas capturas de tela do produto são para fins ilustrativos e podem ser exagerados. Somente se envolva na operações de bots se você possuir conhecimento suficiente ou procurar orientação de um consultor financeiro qualificado. Em nenhuma circunstância, o Cryptohopper aceitará qualquer responsabilidade perante qualquer pessoa ou entidade por (a) qualquer perda ou dano, no todo ou em parte, causado por, decorrente de ou em conexão com transações envolvendo nosso software ou (b) quaisquer danos diretos, indiretos, especiais, consequenciais ou incidentais. Por favor, observe que o conteúdo disponível na plataforma de social trading do Cryptohopper é gerado por membros da comunidade Cryptohopper e não constitui aconselhamento ou recomendações do Cryptohopper ou em seu nome. Os lucros mostrados no Marketplace não são indicativos de resultados futuros. Ao usar os serviços do Cryptohopper, você reconhece e aceita os riscos inerentes envolvidos na operação de criptomoedas e concorda em isentar o Cryptohopper de quaisquer responsabilidades ou perdas incorridas. É essencial revisar e compreender nossos Termos de Serviço e Política de Divulgação de Risco antes de usar nosso software ou se envolver em qualquer atividade de operação. Consulte profissionais da área jurídica e financeira para obter orientação personalizada com base em suas circunstâncias específicas.

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