
A New Era for On-Chain Airdrops! HTX Liquid Restaking: Your Gateway to Effortless Airdrop Rewards

17 mei 2024 4 min gelezen
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As the first exchange to introduce Restaking services, HTX Liquid Restaking has revolutionized how users participate in on-chain airdrops. With features like zero-threshold, no-staking, and no-lockup, it provides unparalleled convenience and flexibility, making it effortless for users to claim on-chain rewards.

No Lock-up, More Flexibility! What Else Makes Liquid Restaking on HTX the Preferred Choice?

Restaking, at its core, involves re-staking already staked crypto assets to earn additional rewards. HTX Liquid Restaking, however, breaks away from the conventional model of restaking, ushering in a groundbreaking new dimension for airdrops.

In comparison to on-chain staking, HTX Liquid Restaking eliminates the need for staking and lock-up assets, offering the following distinct advantages:

  1. Easy Accessibility: Traditional staking models typically require users to lock up a specific amount of crypto assets in a smart contract for a set period to earn corresponding rewards. HTX’s zero-staking, no-lockup model, represented by Liquid Restaking, revolutionizes the staking landscape by eliminating these limitations. Users can join the event at any time without the need to pre-lock their assets, significantly reducing the entry barrier.

  2. Flexibility and Liquidity: HTX’s zero-staking, no-lockup model guarantees users full control over their assets. With HTX Liquid Restaking available for both spot and futures accounts, users have the freedom to withdraw and trade their funds at any time without facing lock-up constraints. This flexibility empowers users to adjust their investment strategies according to market conditions, enabling them to seize opportunities more effectively.

  3. Reduced Risk: Users do not need to perform complex on-chain transfers, mitigating potential asset risks linked to improper management of on-chain wallets.

  4. Enhanced User Participation: HTX’s zero-staking, no-lockup model allows participants to join the event at any time and earn rewards effortlessly, boosting user enthusiasm and investment drive. Conversely, traditional staking models, which often require prolonged asset lock-up, make participants more cautious and hesitant.

Therefore, HTX’s Liquid Restaking, characterized by its zero-staking, no-lockup model, is uniquely designed to cater to user needs. This approach empowers participants to join the event at any time and effortlessly earn airdrop rewards, free from the constraints of asset lock-ups. This truly provides participants with a straightforward participation experience.

Trustworthy Liquid Restaking Projects, Carefully Selected by the HTX Team

Besides zero-threshold and flexibility, HTX Liquid Restaking boasts a host of other key advantages:

Firstly, HTX Liquid Restaking removes the limitations that typically require users to lock up their assets for a period when participating in staking under the traditional model. Users can freely withdraw and trade their crypto assets at any given time, unaffected by lock-up periods.

Furthermore, all on-chain projects available in HTX Liquid Restaking undergo meticulous selection by the platform’s investment research team. This ensures the security of participants’ assets and transaction transparency, enabling users to feel safe and secure when participating in the event.

Most importantly, HTX Liquid Restaking offers users airdrop rewards equivalent to those from direct on-chain participation. Supported by the guarantee of asset safety and without affecting users’ fund liquidity, the event also offers them an opportunity to realize wealth appreciation by securing additional earnings.

In summary, HTX Liquid Restaking, a groundbreaking model, heralds a new era for users to effortlessly claim airdrop rewards. With zero-threshold, no-staking, and no-lockup features, it offers unparalleled convenience and flexibility to investors. By participating in the event with a simple “one-click”, users can harvest lucrative rewards without missing out on any benefits of the on-chain restaking sector.

Seize the opportunity and join HTX Liquid Restaking now to claim a share of airdrops from popular projects like BounceBit, EigenLayer, and Puffer, and prepare for even more exciting additions in the future. Early participants stand to pocket higher rewards. Get ready for even more excitement ahead! Participants can either join an existing team or create one by teaming up with friends to receive boosts on their rewards through HTX Liquid Restaking. Invite more friends to join this event to claim more airdrop rewards.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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