
HTX Offers Stable Returns with “Borrow & Earn” and Diversified Earn Products

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Crypto lending is gaining popularity as it enables users to keep ownership of their assets while ensuring liquidity.

HTX’s “ Borrow & Earn “: High Loan Limits, Ultra-Low Interest Rates, Flexible Repayments, and Prize Pools

The leading exchange HTX steps in with its innovative lending campaign “Borrow & Earn,” offering traders a way to navigate market turbulence without missing out on potential gains.

The platform’s flagship lending event has successfully completed four rounds. The fifth round will begin on March 14, 2025, at 02:00 (UTC) and end on March 31, 2025, at 15:59 (UTC), offering a 5,000,000,000 $HTX prize pool. Designed as a low-risk, high-reward investment opportunity, the event helps users achieve stable returns despite market fluctuations.

During the event, users who borrow USDT from the platform’s Crypto Loans Flexible product will receive a share of the 5,000,000,000 $HTX prize pool, proportional to the interest they pay. The more interest spent, the larger the rewards. All rewards will be distributed within seven business days following the event’s end.

Notably, Crypto Loans offers users high loan limits at ultra-low interest rates with flexible repayment options, enabling traders to access capital efficiently while maintaining liquidity for diverse borrowing needs.

Additionally, HTX plans to enhance its Crypto Loans offerings in Q2 2025 by introducing multi-assets collateral, aiming to improve capital efficiency and optimize the borrowing experience. Meanwhile, the platform is set to refine its interest rates, expand reward offerings, and roll out lending discount vouchers to further reduce borrowing costs.

HTX’s Multiple Investment Tools Boost Resilient Portfolios in a Volatile Market

Macroeconomic uncertainty and reduced investor confidence have increased risk aversion in the crypto market. In response, HTX has expanded its risk-mitigation products to balance portfolios in volatile conditions.

One of its core yield-generating products, USDD Earn, has emerged as a safe-haven choice. Pegged 1:1 to the U.S. dollar, USDD offers a reliable hedge against market swings. The recent addition of a USDT deposit feature to USDD Flexible Earn enables seamless 1:1 swaps with a 12% APY.

To capitalize on market volatility, HTX provides the Futures Grid, an automated arbitrage tool. Designed for choppy market conditions, this solution enables users to profit from both market trends and fluctuations.

In response to increasing market volatility, HTX is committed to continuous innovation and industry trend monitoring. By providing secure, accessible, and cutting-edge investment tools, HTX empowers investors to optimize portfolios and navigate uncertainty confidently.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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