Cryptohopper blog

BNB Price Update: Inspecting a Rare Flat Corrective Pattern
#Binance#support and resistance#Technical Analysis 101

BNB Price Update: Inspecting a Rare Flat Corrective Pattern

A long-term corrective flat pattern was printed on the Binance Coin's ( BNB) weekly chart following the sell-off from May 2021 all-time high. This analysis will discuss this rare corrective pattern and why $200 is the most significant BNB support level.


Five Reasons Why Crypto is Far From Dead
#Bitcoin#Cryptocurrency#Crypto investor+2 meer tags

Five Reasons Why Crypto is Far From Dead

Dogecoin’s RSI Hints at Potential Hidden Bullish Divergence
#Bull market#support and resistance#Relative Strength Index+3 meer tags

Dogecoin’s RSI Hints at Potential Hidden Bullish Divergence

Toncoin Eyes $3 But RSI Sets Record for Most Overbought Reading Yet
#Technical analysis#technical indicators#support and resistance+2 meer tags

Toncoin Eyes $3 But RSI Sets Record for Most Overbought Reading Yet

How Proof of Reserve Can Build Back Trust in Crypto
#Binance#crypto exchange#Cryptocurrency wallets+2 meer tags

How Proof of Reserve Can Build Back Trust in Crypto

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Ethereum’s 145-Days Cycle Calls for a Rally in December
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Ethereum’s 145-Days Cycle Calls for a Rally in December

A long-term corrective flat pattern was printed on the Binance Coin's ( BNB) weekly chart following the sell-off from May 2021 all-time high. This analysis will discuss this rare corrective pattern and why $200 is the mos…

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The Best Ways to Trade the Coming Crypto Market Bounce

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How Can Beginner Traders Reinvest Crypto Profits?
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Let’s take a look at a comparison between Bitcoin’s 2022 FTX crash and 2015 Bitfinex crash
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Let’s take a look at a comparison between Bitcoin’s 2022 FTX crash and 2015 Bitfinex crash

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This Logarithmic Chart Shows Fantom at Key Intersection
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This Logarithmic Chart Shows Fantom at Key Intersection

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5 Ways to Manage Risk and Take Responsibility When Trading Crypto
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5 Ways to Manage Risk and Take Responsibility When Trading Crypto

Since the start of the year, Ethereum's (ETH) price has followed a 145-day low-to-low cycle that now calls for a rally in December. Additionally, the Ethereum price shows a clear seasonality tendency to produce high median re…

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What beginner traders should know about portfolio management

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When Will XRP Bottom Out? 3 Key Things to Watch!
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When Will XRP Bottom Out? 3 Key Things to Watch!

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Cryptohopper End of Year Tournament!
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Curve DAO Token Prints Double RSI Bullish Divergence
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Curve DAO Token Prints Double RSI Bullish Divergence

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