Happy Holidays and a Happy 2024 from Cryptohopper!
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Happy Holidays and a Happy 2024 from Cryptohopper!

TLDR: We've created a cheesy Christmas video and are offering a 30% discount on Adventure and Hero plans when you use the code " HAPPYHOLIDAYS23" at checkout.

TLDR: We've created a cheesy Christmas video and are offering a 30% discount on Adventure and Hero plans when you use the code " HAPPYHOLIDAYS23" at checkout.

As the year comes to a close, it's time for reflection and anticipation.

For crypto traders worldwide, this year has been a rollercoaster, marked by challenges but also filled with opportunities.

As we enter the holiday season, we'd like to take a moment to look back on the past year and share our vision for the future, along with a special holiday discount for our dedicated traders.

Navigating a Challenging Year with Resilience

This year has been particularly challenging for crypto traders. Market uncertainties tested traders' perseverance, but they also presented a unique opportunity.

It's during these tough times that the true potential of markets can be realized, and those with the insight to look beyond current challenges often reap the greatest rewards.

One highlight of the year has been the strong recovery in the crypto market.

After a period of instability, the resurgence of crypto has opened up new avenues for investors. Anticipated developments like the introduction of a Bitcoin Spot ETF, growing interest from central banks and institutions in holding cryptocurrencies, and the expected Bitcoin halving are all exciting developments on the horizon.

These milestones not only signify a maturing market but also promise a wealth of opportunities for savvy traders.

Innovations on Our End: Portal and the Revamped Backtester

This year, we've also seen significant progress in our services. We proudly introduced "Portal," a revolutionary system designed to enhance integration with crypto exchanges.

Portal simplifies the process of adding new exchanges, making it easier for our users to access a wider range of trading platforms.

Furthermore, we have completely revamped our Backtester.

The new and improved version is groundbreaking, with enhanced accuracy and user-friendliness for testing trading bots, and it's now in its public beta phase. This tool will permanently improve how traders optimize their strategies and trading algorithms and is the best backtester we've ever built.

Our commitment to innovation and service remains.

We will continue to invest in the platform and develop advanced tools and services to assist our traders.

The coming years, especially the next two, promise to be incredibly exciting for crypto traders. We can't wait to be at the forefront of this thrilling journey, supporting our users every step of the way.

A Token of Appreciation

Your support throughout this year has been the cornerstone of our resilience and success.

To express our gratitude and celebrate the holiday season, we're pleased to offer you a 30% discount. Use the code " HAPPYHOLIDAYS23" to take advantage of this offer and ring in the new year with us. This discount is applicable only to your first invoice. Take advantage of this offer and save up to $645 on yearly subscriptions, until the 1st of January.

Corny Christmas Video

Finally, we've made a cheesy attempt at creating a festive "Coca-Cola-style" Christmas video. We think we're better off sticking to making trading bots.

We wish you fantastic holidays and a happy and prosperous 2024. Here's to an exciting year in crypto!

Team Cryptohopper

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