(2) Trading pair, price change (24h) for spot and margin trading, etc.
(3) Buy/Sell virtual assets
(4) Order types: Limit order, market order, TP/SL order and trigger order.
(5) Order amount and price
(6) Sell order book
(7) Buy order book
(8) Available funds and order information
(9) Live chart
3. Make a spot trade on Huobi app
Take placing a limit order as an example, select a trading pair in Area ② (e.g. BTC/USDT). After referencing the ask prices and bid prices in Area ⑥ and ⑦, enter the order price and amount in Area ⑤. Then, click “Buy BTC” to complete the limit order. Please make sure that you have sufficient fund in your account. (You can also take the steps to sell virtual assets.)
If you want to get your order quickly fulfilled, you can place the order at market price by clicking “Market Order” and enter an order amount. Your order will be fulfilled at the best market price.
The post appeared first on Huobi Blog.