
TRX/NGN Trading Competition in Nigeria

4 Okt 2020 2 menit baca
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Binance and TRON are collaborating to offer a 7,000,000 NGN pool in bonuses and giveaways to TRX traders on the Binance Platform. This is to celebrate the addition of the TRX/NGN Trading pair.

Competition Period: 2020/10/2 0:00 AM - 2020/10/15  0:00 AM (UTC)

Promotion A: Trade TRX/NGN pairs on Binance to Win from a Prize Pool of N5,000,000

To participate in this promotion and share in the bonus pool, you must be among the Top 60 traders with the highest number of completed trades within this competition period. The more you trade the higher your chances of winning.

Bonus Activity:

To participate in this promotion, you have to trade at least $1,000 of TRX/NGN from Oct 1st- 10th, 2020 to qualify for the raffle draw. Up to 20 Winners will be drawn during the AMA session with the TRON team on the Binance Nigeria Telegram community here

The more you trade TRX/NGN the more slots you get and the higher chance to win. N2,000,000  (N100,000 for 20 users)

PS: $1000 trade volume = 1 raffle ticket.

Only users that have completed their KYC are qualified to share in the reward pool.

The Nigerian Naira (NGN) is a fiat currency and does not represent any other digital currencies.

Terms & Conditions

  • To participate in this promotion, users must complete their KYC.

  • The NGN rewards will be allocated to the Binance Wallet within 15 business days after the campaign finishes. Users can see their rewards by selecting the Account Center > Wallet > Distribution History.

  • Binance reserves the right to cancel or amend any Activity or Activity Rules at our sole discretion.

  • Binance reserves the ability to disqualify any participants showing signs of fraudulent behavior immediately.

Risk warning: Cryptocurrency trading is subject to high market risk. Please make your trades cautiously. Binance will make best efforts to choose high-quality coins, but will not be responsible for your trading losses.

Thanks for your support!

Binance Team

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