
Start Here: Binance Academy, Your Way

10 Okt 2020 2 menit baca
Gambar Spanduk Artikel Berita

With this update, Binance Academy continues to provide quality crypto education to everyone, but this time in a more streamlined manner.

Start Here for a Quick Primer on Crypto

When you click Start Here, Binance Academy automatically leads you to an easy-to-read crash course in the following topics: Crypto, Blockchain, Trading, Investing, and Privacy.

Binance Academy, Your Way

Once you’re done with the Start Here primer, you can scroll further below on the Binance Academy homepage to customize your crypto learning journey. You can access the content that’s most relevant to you through the following options:

  • Topics: Choose from 19 different categories, including Blockchain, Trading, Tutorials, and more.

  • Difficulty: Choose from Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced

  • Reading Time: You can set this between 1 minute and unlimited time.

All these customizations give you a tailor-made learning experience. And if you don’t see what you’re looking for from the 200+ articles and 268 glossary items we feature on Binance Academy, you can always ask us directly.

With the Ask Academy feature, you can directly ask us about topics you want to learn, and our Binance community will help you. Your questions may even serve as inspiration for the next articles we’ll create for Binance Academy

More Enhancements

What powers these new features is a completely redesigned website for Binance Academy. Taking into account the feedback we receive from our users, Binance Academy has rolled out new features such as Start Here and Ask Academy, as well as  the following enhancements:

  • Static website design, which results in an extremely fast platform.

  • An entirely new design, taking into account better user experience.

  • A progress bar that tracks how far along you are in the article.

  • A sticky header/search feature on Glossary for better navigation. Words you searched for will be highlighted as you type.

  • Full support for 17 languages.

We are lining up new features to further enrich your crypto learning, so stay tuned for these soon:

  • More than 30 topics for a more customized learning experience.

  • More granular tags/topics for articles.

  • Support for more languages.

Start learning now on Binance Academy

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