
MEW: A Cat-Inspired Meme Coin Poised to Challenge Dogecoin’s Dominance in the Meme Realm

10 Jul 2024 3 menit baca
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MEW boasts a total supply of 88,888,888,888 tokens. Out of these, 90% of the MEW token supply will be added to the Raydium liquidity pool and subsequently burned.

MEW has attracted a large number of users through strategies such as airdrops. Notable figures such as Solana co-founders Anatoly and Raj, along with BitMEX co-founder Arthur Hayes, have mentioned MEW in their tweets on X.

What Is MEW

Cat in a Dogs World (MEW) is a cat-inspired MEME token on Solana. MEW was launched in March 2024 and quickly gained market attention by airdropping tokens to BONK, WIF, and Solana Saga 2 mobile phone holders.

MEW’s Meme Narrative and Project Advantages

The crypto space is filled with dog-themed coin memes, while cat-themed tokens remain relatively rare. MEW is here to challenge that dominance and potentially dethrone Dogecoin as the leading meme coin.

MEW was launched on March 25, 2024, with a total supply of 88,888,888,888 tokens. Out of these, 90% of the MEW token supply and 2,888 SOL tokens will be added to the Raydium liquidity pool and subsequently burned. The remaining 10% of the supply will be distributed to the Solana community through airdrops. By burning 90% of the liquidity pool (LP) tokens, MEW aims to establish a stable price floor and mitigate significant volatility.

MEW gained rapid market recognition upon its debut, exceeding a market cap of over $950 million within just three days. Currently, MEW boasts over 200,000 holders. Notable figures such as Solana co-founders Anatoly and Raj, along with BitMEX co-founder Arthur Hayes, have mentioned MEW in their tweets on X. MEW combines internet memes and popular culture to enhance its market presence through the introduction of new art, clothing, and entertainment products based on its characters’ intellectual property. Recently, MEW partnered with animation studio LOCUS to launch a 3D animated series, establishing MEW as the first worldwide entertainment brand and retail product line started by a memecoin community. LOCUS has produced well-established IPs like “Red Shoes” and “Yumi’s Cells”, both popular in Korea, and their cinematic releases have also reached 128 countries around the world.

MEW has taken the initiative to boost its brand recognition and increase liquidity within the crypto market, thereby attracting more investors and users. Furthermore, the MEW project team is also committed to continuously enhancing the functionality and ecosystem surrounding the token, aiming to improve its overall competitiveness and better meet the needs of users.

Meme Coins on Solana: Advantages and Risks

Meme coins originate from the culture of meme, where “meme” typically refers to cultural information fragments spread through the internet, such as images, videos, text, or concepts. These fragments often contain elements of humor and can go viral online. However, meme coins are prone to drastic price volatility as they lack practical application.

Additionally, meme coins are community-driven, meaning their development and value are influenced by community engagement and support. Decreased community activity or increased disagreements among members could impact token prices and development negatively. This bull market has seen a surge in meme culture on the platform, fueling significant wealth creation. Currently, leading Solana projects valued at hundreds of millions of dollars or even billions of dollars have emerged, including $WIF, $BONK, and $BOME. MEW, a meme token with cat IP, has already built a large community through airdrops and other methods, indicating great potential for future development.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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