
Binance Awards 2021- Launchpad Project of the Year

14 Jul 2021 2 menit baca
Gambar Spanduk Artikel Berita

Please join us in celebrating the Binance Launchpad Project of the Year. Binance Launchpad has continued to provide an industry-leading fundraising platform, connecting investors to new and promising blockchain projects. This award recognizes some of the best performing Binance Launchpad projects of 2021.

The nominees include projects launched in the past year (6 in total) that have enjoyed a positive ROI since IEO and are not acquired by Binance. We considered success factors like ROI performance, market influence and gained traction and level of integration with the Binance ecosystem. Of course, we also excluded projects that were acquired by Binance.

See the weighted breakdown by success factor:

  • Token price performance ROI: 50%

  • Market influence and gained traction: 30%

  • Binance Ecosystem integration: 20%


Alpha Finance Lab


Injective Protocol

Axie Infinity




Congratulations to  Alpha Finance Lab for winning the Binance Launchpad Project of the Year Award.

Alpha is one of the most influential defi protocols, boasting a large TVL and high composability with other protocols not only on Ethereum but also on BSC. Alpha’s peak TVL on Ethereum reached nearly $2B in May. The Alpha Homora product is also live on BSC with nearly $100m TVL, supporting BNB and Cake leveraged yield farming and composability with Pancake

The Alpha team has done an exceptional job, offering leveraged yield farming service to DeFi users not only on Ethereum but also on Binance Smart Chain. We will continue to work together with the Alpha team to develop their product and reach bigger milestones in the future.

All the nominees deserve praise for their hard work over the past year. Thank you to all the different project founders and teams for your innovative efforts in the crypto space. Most importantly, thank you to the Binance community for your continuous trust and support. Without you, Binance Launchpad would not be leading the pack in crypto crowdfunding.

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