
Change Log: Version 1.85

29 Nov 2023 2 menit baca
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Version 1.85


  • Updated the TradingView chart library to version 26 and added a link to TradingView in the Trading main ticker section

  • Updated a warning pop-up if the market order would affect the price significantly

  • Updated to optionally send travel rule data for Withdrawals to VASPs under $1,000 in value and to automatically send it when it is of $1,000 in value and above


  • Updated to hide the close button from Bitfinex Pulse banner when editing the profile

  • Added maximum length check when posting content on Bitfinex Pulse

  • Updated the Bitfinex Pulse tipping URL to reflect when the nickname has changed and redirect to the correct URL before displaying the tipping modal

  • Updated the TradingView Liquidations tooltip

  • Updated to remember the Intermediary Bank details when ticking or unticking the check-box in Wire withdrawals

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the custom layout items overlapping issue

  • TradingVIew chart fixes: crash when drawing trading lines at times, loading incorrect ticker data, templates loading and switching pairs causing bids/offers to disappear issues

  • Fixed to remove an extra scroll from the confirmation popup in the Custom Layout

  • Fixed the currencies order list in the ticker Settings

  • Fixed the invoice page reload issue for navigation to LN-BTC withdrawals via links

  • Fixed to update the decimals and formatting for the Price and Amount of the Edit Derivatives* limit buy order modal

  • Fixed the tooltip for ‘Allow access in from any IP’ in API access settings

  • Fixed the ticker settings issue of the infinite loader when the securities category is selected

  • Added some missing translations in Russian in the Affiliate Dashboard and the Bitfinex Leaderboard

  • Fixed to resolve incorrect default state for edit profile via URL in Bitfinex Pulse

*The derivatives platform is provided by iFinex Financial Technologies Limited. References to Bitfinex Derivatives in this post are references to iFinex Financial Technologies Limited. The Bitfinex APIs are designed to allow complete access to the features provided by Bitfinex. Learn more about our API documentation here.

The post appeared first on Bitfinex blog.

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