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Celebrate Bitcoin Halving Day With Us! #BinanceHalvingParty

11 Mei 2020 3 menit baca
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Bitcoin halving is one of the most anticipated events in blockchain history. Given that the past two Bitcoin halving events in 2012 and 2016 were considered the start of significant transformations in blockchain, this upcoming Bitcoin halving is a moment that the global blockchain community, including Binance, will celebrate.

The Binance community will celebrate Bitcoin Halving Day with #BinanceHalvingParty, a global event that will be streamed online on Binance’s official YouTube channel. Through this two-and-a-half-hour event on May 12, 2020 at 10am PST/1pm EST, you can learn more about the upcoming Bitcoin halving, hear from influencers and speakers, have some fun, and get a chance to win BNB.

Everyone is welcome to celebrate with us, but to make the most out of the #BinanceHalvingParty, you should register now so that you don’t miss out on updates and prizes!

What to Expect During the #BinanceHalvingParty

  • Understand Bitcoin halving and what it means to you. Our Bitcoin halving party will feature several global influencers who will inform you about the importance of halving and its impact on the overall blockchain scene amid world-changing events such as the COVID-19 outbreak and global economic changes.

  • Join us as we count down to the exact Bitcoin halving moment. Bitcoin halving party is the culmination of our ongoing coverage of the event, which was started months ago by Binance Academy through this countdown: https://www.binance.vision/halving.

  • Hear from Binance’s leaders. Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ) and several other Binance leaders will celebrate with us. You wouldn’t want to miss out on any new announcements they may make, or even what they have to say about Bitcoin halving.

  • Win BNB! We will give away 10 BNB every 30 minutes during the event via raffle draws among people who registered for this event right now. Don’t miss out on the chance to win prizes!

Who Will Join Us During the #BinanceHalvingParty

Our #BinanceHalvingParty will feature Binance’s leaders and Angels in several countries around the world, as well as some crypto influencers and leaders.

  • CZ (Binance CEO)

  • Catherine Coley (Binance.US CEO)

  • Josh Goodbody (Binance Director for LATAM/EU)

  • Denny Wu (Binance Pool)

  • Aaron Gong (Binance Futures)

  • Lil Bubble (crypto pop star)

  • Jesús Perez (Director of Crypto Plaza, Spanish Crypto Hub)

  • Hasheur (French crypto influencer)

  • Bulldozer (Russian crypto influencer)

  • Alessandro (Binance Angel from Italy)

  • David (Binance Angel from France)

  • Gajender (Binance Angel from India)

  • Leo (Binance Angel from Venezuela)

  • Felipe (Binance Angel from Brazil)

We will reveal more updates about the #BinanceHalvingParty soon. Register now and let’s celebrate!


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