
Bitfinex Pay – Release V0.7.2

9 Okt 2024 3 menit baca
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We’re pleased to share the latest updates to Bitfinex Pay. For more on Bitfinex Pay, please refer to https://blog.bitfinex.com/category/bitfinex-pay/.

Merchant Dashboard


  • Added Limits section in the Settings menu where now merchants can consult their e-Commerce and POS (if feature is available for merchant) payment processing limits.

  • Added a Threshold section in the Settings menu where merchants can see and set up their payment acceptance threshold. This threshold allows merchants to customise how much difference between the price of invoices and the payment made by end users they accept in order to complete invoices.


  • Improved all the missing field errors in the Manual Invoice Generator menu to provide more clarity when an input is required or invalid.

  • An unnecessary horizontal scroll bar on the Payments menu was removed.

  • Updated the available tokens for Payouts, it will allow payments in BTC, ETH, USDt (Ethereum), USDt (Polygon), USDt (Tron).

  • Completed invoices will now show payment information about the expected payment amount, real paid amount and difference (if any) to Invoice Details -> Information and Invoice Details -> Payments menus

  • Various minor design and UX improvements were implemented in Payouts

  • Fixed the design of some system error pages (404, 500, etc.) on mobile and tablet devices

  • Improved the copy of the error shown when trying to access an invoice which does not exist


  • Fixed an issue causing an error when a new address is being added to a Payout recipient

  • Fixed an issue causing users to be forcefully logged out when entering the wrong 2FA

  • Fixed an issue preventing refunds from being completed with EURt

  • Fixed a broken link to our Terms of Service in the modal shown when trying to access the service from a prohibited jurisdiction

End Customer Payment Flow


  • Added a Cancel button on the Metamask payment flow when the system is waiting for payment

  • Multiple minor design elements have been improved

  • The blockchain network name is now shown in the payment receipt after completing a payment

  • Added the payment ID/memo in the payment receipt for payments completed via USDt (TON)

  • Aligned the network name subtitle for USDt in the token selector

  • Improved 2FA confirmation screen design for payments completed via “Pay with Bitfinex”

  • Added a new error message when users try to make a payment via “Pay with Bitfinex” with an amount higher than $1000 using a token which they have either whitelisted or disabled in Bitfinex withdrawal settings.


  • Multiple missing translations were added

Start accepting crypto payments with Bitfinex Pay today: https://pay.bitfinex.com/.

The post Bitfinex Pay – Release V0.7.2 appeared first on Bitfinex blog.

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