
Binance.US provides investigative assistance and training to law enforcement to help combat crypto-related crimes

14 Jan 2025 4 menit baca
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Over the past year, Binance.US has delivered Crypto for Law Enforcement Training to 1,000+ law enforcement personnel across the country, including members of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Secret Service (USSS), Homeland Security Investigations, IRS Criminal Investigation, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), and others. Earlier this year, two members of the LERT team were recognized by USSS for “superior contributions to the law enforcement responsibilities of the United States Secret Service.”

Binance.US is leading the charge when it comes to law enforcement assistance and training and has become one of the most trusted digital asset platforms by law enforcement nationwide. In response to strong demand and positive feedback, Binance.US has been and will continue to provide training sessions at no cost to law enforcement agencies.

BJ Kang, Head of Investigations at Binance.US

Combating crypto crimes

Today, tens of millions of Americans own digital assets — and with millions more waiting on the sidelines, it's essential to maintain a safe environment where everyone can securely access the benefits of cryptocurrency. Binance.US recognizes the importance of a robust private-public partnership when it comes to combating financial crimes. That’s why we support law enforcement in their efforts to investigate criminal activity and ultimately help victims recover their assets.

"Binance.US leads the way in partnering closely with law enforcement to go after bad actors, recover assets, and build trust and confidence within the cryptocurrency space,” said BJ Kang, Head of Investigations at Binance.US. “In this industry, we know that trust is hard-earned and easily lost. That’s why we’re committed to assisting law enforcement agencies to make the crypto landscape safer for everyone.”

Real-World impact

Binance.US’s Crypto for Law Enforcement training, developed in-house by our team of former FBI and crypto subject matter experts, is designed to provide law enforcement professionals with foundational crypto investigation techniques. Through the training, attendees receive an overview of blockchain terminology and common cryptocurrency scams, guidance on how to perform transaction tracing, and learn how to best request information from victims and crypto platforms like Binance.US in order to recover assets.

Our training has directly led to real-world successes, including a recent case where officers from a municipal police department successfully prevented a scam with real-time assistance from the Binance.US LERT team.

During this incident, a police officer, who had recently attended a Binance.US training session, contacted our LERT team for assistance. The officer explained that his colleagues were responding to a Bitcoin ATM location where a victim had been scammed into depositing tens of thousands of dollars into the Bitcoin ATM.

Based on the information provided, our LERT team was able to identify and assess the crypto scam while contacting the Bitcoin ATM provider for further assistance. Thanks to the officer's quick response and the help of our LERT team, the responding officers were able to prevent the victim from completing the transaction.

Looking ahead

From our law enforcement training sessions and robust compliance standards to our pledge to build trust over every trade and transaction, Binance.US remains committed to creating a safe and secure environment for all market participants. As the cryptocurrency industry evolves, we will continue to ensure that the benefits of crypto are accessible to everyone, while upholding the highest standards of safety and security.

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