Blog Cryptohopper

Long-Term Dogecoin Channel Shows How Far Away the Bottom Is
#Cryptocurrency#crypto trading tips#Stochastic+3 lebih banyak tag

Long-Term Dogecoin Channel Shows How Far Away the Bottom Is

Dogecoin (DOGE) has been in a downtrend for the last 13 months, with the price action trading inside a descending channel. In this article, we used the weekly log chart to zoom out and see how far away the bottom of this bearish cycle could be from here.


What is Impermanent Loss, and How to Reduce It in Automated Market Makers
#Market making#crypto exchange#Web 3.0 / DeFi / NFT / dApps / Metaverse+2 lebih banyak tag

What is Impermanent Loss, and How to Reduce It in Automated Market Makers

When Will Bitcoin find a Bottom? Check this Long-Term Chart
#cryptohopper#Bitcoin trading#Bitcoin halving+2 lebih banyak tag

When Will Bitcoin find a Bottom? Check this Long-Term Chart

Ethereum’s CCI Extreme Oversold after Longest Weekly Losing Streak
#ETH#crypto trading tips#support and resistance+2 lebih banyak tag

Ethereum’s CCI Extreme Oversold after Longest Weekly Losing Streak

The Potential Future of Meme Coins in 2022
#Cryptocurrency#crypto trading tips#Cryptocurrency trading+2 lebih banyak tag

The Potential Future of Meme Coins in 2022

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Cryptohopper Data Breach
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Cryptohopper Data Breach

Dogecoin (DOGE) has been in a downtrend for the last 13 months, with the price action trading inside a descending channel. In this article, we used the weekly log chart to zoom out and see how far away the bottom of this …

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ChainLink Follows a 10 Week High-to-High Cycle
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ChainLink Follows a 10 Week High-to-High Cycle

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A Unique Way to Use the RSI in Crypto Trading
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A Unique Way to Use the RSI in Crypto Trading

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Cryptocurrency Bear Market: Strategies of a Smart Investor
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Cryptocurrency Bear Market: Strategies of a Smart Investor

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This Rare Zig-Zag Pattern Explains When Solana Sell-off Will End
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This Rare Zig-Zag Pattern Explains When Solana Sell-off Will End

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This Chart Showcases Why Cardano Is in Correction Mode
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This Chart Showcases Why Cardano Is in Correction Mode

Please read our latest update about the Data breach that occurred the night of Thursday (the 9th) unto Friday (the 10th).

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This Trading Mistake Holds You Back, Here is How to avoid FOMO.
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This Trading Mistake Holds You Back, Here is How to avoid FOMO.

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Move-to-Earn: New Strategy Enters the Metaverse
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Move-to-Earn: New Strategy Enters the Metaverse

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Why Bitcoin’s Price Continues to fall? The Halving Cycle is the Answer
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Why Bitcoin’s Price Continues to fall? The Halving Cycle is the Answer

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Death Cross Forms on Ethereum Classic Daily Chart
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Death Cross Forms on Ethereum Classic Daily Chart

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