What is Cryptohopper exactly?
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What is Cryptohopper exactly?

Most revolutionary cryptocurrency trading bot

Cryptohopper is an automated trading bot for cryptocurrencies that trades for you, so you can focus on the important things in life. Trading in cryptocurrencies has never been easier. Set up your configuration and you are ready to go.

Cryptohopper is the leader in the automated crypto trading industry. It allows its users to automate trading strategies that will trade cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and any other that your exchange offers. The trading bot will scan the market 24/7 to open positions according to your trading strategy or signaller. It scans the market for the lowest prices to place buy orders and sell when the trades have moved into considerable profits.

We count with the very first marketplace for crypto traders. Mirror experienced traders by clicking on Subscribe and buy automated strategies from them to profit from the huge market fluctuations.

The Cryptocurrency Trading Bot eliminates long hours of learning and mastering how the market operates. Configure your trading bot, and the trading bot will do the rest.

Cryptohopper can connect to your exchange platform and use the money in your wallet to trade without having to move them around, saving you time and also a few cents on transaction fees. With the help of API generated by your exchange, Cryptohopper bot can seamlessly integrate with your account, buying and selling in real time.

The exchanges currently supported by the Cryptohopper include:

How Much Does It Cost To Use The Cryptohopper Trading Bot?

No matter the plan you choose, you get to use the Cryptohopper Cryptocurrency Trading Bot for your first 3 days FREE! Afterwards, you could potentially pay your subscription for subsequent months from the profit you made from the previous month.

With a payment of $19 per month you can get the Explorer subscription, the trading bot can open up to 80 buys and sell positions on any 15 cryptocurrencies of your choice. With this plan, the trading bot scans the market every 10 minutes for the best opportunities.

49$ per month can give you a better result, let me introduce you to the Adventure subscription. The bot can place up to 200 buy and sell positions on your behave. It allows you trade up to 50 cryptocurrency coins of your choice. Here, scans for best opportunities are done every 5 minutes.

Lastly, the Hero subscription. You get to open up to 500 positions on any 75 cryptocurrencies of your choice depending on what’s tradeable on your exchange. You get this for just $99 monthly. This plan scans and places trades at 2 minutes intervals.

The Cryptohopper does not guarantee you any specific amount to be made over a period, but when you read the signalers performance reports, you get an idea how much profit you could make.

To get the best use of this service, you can interact with other users on their forum where you get to gain better knowledge on how to configure the Cryptohopper trading bot correctly for maximum profit

If all you want to do is to focus on things that matter to you or you don’t just want to get bored with all the technicalities of the cryptocurrency market, and still want to make some real profit increasing your cryptos then you should use the Cryptohopper Cryptocurrency Trading Bot.

Happy hopping!

Gambar Kotak Masuk


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Disclaimer: Cryptohopper bukanlah entitas teregulasi. Bot trading mata uang kripto melibatkan risiko besar, dan kinerja masa lalu tidak merefleksikan hasil di masa depan. Keuntungan yang ditampilkan dalam tangkapan layar produk hanya untuk tujuan ilustrasi dan mungkin terkesan dibesar-besarkan. Bergabunglah trading bot hanya jika Anda memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup atau mencari panduan dari penasihat keuangan yang terkualifikasi. Dalam situasi apa pun Cryptohopper tidak akan bertanggung jawab kepada orang atau entitas mana pun atas (a) kerugian atau kerusakan, secara keseluruhan atau sebagian, yang disebabkan oleh, yang timbul dari, atau sehubungan dengan transaksi yang melibatkan perangkat lunak kami atau (b) kerugian langsung, tidak langsung, khusus, konsekuensial, atau insidental. Harap dicatat bahwa konten yang tersedia di platform trading sosial Cryptohopper dibuat oleh anggota komunitas Cryptohopper dan bukan merupakan saran atau rekomendasi dari Cryptohopper atau atas namanya. Keuntungan yang ditampilkan di Marketplace tidak merefleksikan hasil di masa depan. Dengan menggunakan layanan Cryptohopper, Anda mengakui dan menerima risiko yang terkait dalam trading mata uang kripto dan setuju untuk membebaskan Cryptohopper dari segala kewajiban atau kerugian yang terjadi. Peninjauan dan pemahaman atas Ketentuan Layanan dan Kebijakan Pengungkapan Risiko kami sangatlah penting sebelum Anda menggunakan perangkat lunak kami atau terlibat dalam aktivitas trading apa pun. Silakan berkonsultasi dengan profesional hukum dan keuangan untuk mendapatkan saran yang dipersonalisasi berdasarkan keadaan spesifik Anda.

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