Trading Tips KuCoin
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Trading Tips KuCoin

Do you Trade on KuCoin? KuCoin is the first officially listed exchange partner of Cryptohopper! Below we have listed useful tips and functions that can improve your trading results when trading on KuCoin.

These will include KuCoin Shares (KCS), markets, Spotlight and their fee structures.

KuCoin is a cryptocurrency exchange based in Hong Kong and went live on August 13, 2017. Since then they have grown very fast.

With the introduction of KuCoin Shares they have also considerably improved their ecosystem. There are many benefits of using KuCoin Shares, which are explained later in this blog. First, we look at what the home page has to offer.

Home page

KuCoin Homepage
KuCoin Homepage

When you visit www.KuCoin.com, you will get a clear overview of what KuCoin has to offer since it is more than only being an exchange.

The first things that are shown are the different services that KuCoin offers, such as Kumex and Pool-X. Kumex is a derivatives trading platform and Pool-X is a next-generation POS (Proof of Stake) mining pool. Other important information is the total KuCoin bonuses that has been distributed to KuCoin shareholders and news about the platform. If you’re interested in derivatives trading or staking, it’s worth checking these services out.

KuCoin’s daily volume was at the time of writing 360 million dollars. Further below on the home page, the coins with the highest volume are being shown just as the top gainers and top losers. This might help you determine which coins you want to trade.


KuCoin Market
KuCoin Market

The markets page shows you all available trading pairs on KuCoin together with its markets. KuCoin has a very extensive offering of trading pairs, there are 461 pairs that you can trade!

The markets, or quote currencies supported in Cryptohopper, are BTC, ETH, KCS, USDS, and NEO. You’re able to sort the coins based on Last Price, 24H change, Amount 24H, Volume 24H, and Reference Average Price 24H.

KuCoin Shares

KuCoin Shares (KCS) are the ecological token of the KuCoin Exchange Platform. They are an ERC-20 decentralized digital asset built on Ethereum.

The total supply of KCS is constant at 200 million and will not be reissued in non-special cases. The allocation for the founding team and early investors is 100 million and the amount publicly available for users is 100 million.

The KuCoin platform will use 50% of all trading fees earned by KuCoin to buy KCS from the market and then redistribute them to KCS holders who hold at least 6 KCS as a bonus.

This ensures that the value of KuCoin Shares remains relatively high.

Additionally, KCS holders can enjoy a discounted trading fee rate as a VIP, which can be as low as 0.0125%. In other words, by being in possession of KCS you incur fewer costs per trade, which increases the profit on trading.

KCS are also being used for promotional events such as airdrop giveaways.


KuCoin also launches new projects through their IEO (Initial Exchange Offering) platform. So far 5 projects have been launched, all have reached their hard cap.

You can also invest in new projects yourself, click on Spotlight to discover what projects are raising money and earn extra by participating in the promotional events.

Fee structure

Users who hold KCS on KuCoin are able to take advantage of this function to get a discount on their trading fees.

Here are the details:

  1. Only users who hold KCS on KuCoin can take advantage of the Trading Fee Discount.

  2. Every day at 00:00 (UTC+8), the system takes a snapshot of users’ KCS holdings. The snapshot of KCS holdings decides the discount rate of each user for that day. Please be aware that it could take up to an hour for the new discount rate to take effect, but the discount rate should be updated before 01:00 (UTC+8) and lasts until the next snapshot is taken.

  3. For every user holding at least 1000 KCS, this will result in a 1% discount on trading fees. The maximum discount rate shouldn’t exceed 30%. Therefore, holding 10,000 KCS results in a 10% discount, holding 30,000 KCS results in the maximum discount rate of 30%.

  4. Users can check out their Trading Fee Discount on the trading page:

KuCoin Trading
KuCoin Trading
  1. This is a core benefit of holding KCS which is permanent. The ratio of the Trading Fee Discount may be readjusted in the future. Please pay close attention to KuCoin’s announcements.

The minimum withdrawals and withdrawal fees can be found here

KuCoin X Cryptohopper

KuCoin’s partnership with Cryptohopper gives KuCoin traders on Cryptohopper better API rate limits which results in a more seamless trading experience.

This means that more trade requests can be sent to the exchange while ensuring that your buy and sell order is placed with less delay.

KuCoin’s Commitment to providing excellent 24/7 customer service and a user-friendly platform shows that customer satisfaction is a top priority. This coupled with the trading fee system that rewards loyal KCS holders shows that KuCoin stays true to its mission in being ‘The People’s Exchange’.

Create a trading bot and link it to the KuCoin exchange to benefit fully from this new collaboration and find out for yourself how the better API rates will affect your trading!

Click here to start trading from Cryptohopper into your KuCoin account.

Gambar Kotak Masuk


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