Cryptohopper's API and Quantabotics
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Cryptohopper's API and Quantabotics

The Quantabotics Cryptohopper integration combines powerful applications to help you build your own trading signal service and automated Cryptohopper trading robot.

What were your first thoughts when you noticed Cryptohopper offers an API?

Initially, Toridion had developed their trading analytics offering with developers in mind.

The number of exchanges and execution solutions seemed far to varied for us.

When we learned that Cryptohopper would allow us straightforward access to trade execution bots on so many exchanges through a simple API, it quite honestly was very exciting.

What was your motivation to use Cryptohopper’s API and what did you develop?

An anchor client had asked us to consider integrating our trading analytics into Cryptohopper.

After talking with Cryptohopper and discovering that their platform would give our product exposure to an experienced and large marketplace of existing users it was decided to build Quantabotics.

Initially, we had the idea for a simple tool that would be designed to load different trading bot Baseconfig settings in response to market changes. This became our “Switcher” product.

App on Cryptohopper's API
App on Cryptohopper's API

Fig 1 Switcher lets the app choose a Cryptohopper trading template to load when the market conditions change.

However, we quickly widened the scope to include two further features “Trade Protect” and “Intelligent Trade”

Where Intelligent Trade uses hourly predictive analytics to allow traders to build their own trading triggers based on configurable analytics with the ability to choose their desired level of accuracy and volatility.

Protect looks at market volatility and allows traders to suspend or resume trading if the market volatility is high or low. Users can also use this feature to automatically liquidate all positions rapidly.

A popular feature is our Smart Buy In or SBI trigger. This simple one- click function will try and selectively buy when markets statistically reach low points.

A detailed log inspector lets users go back over their triggers and see how they may have performed by filtering by action type.

Cryptohopper API application
Cryptohopper API application

Fig 2 shows the bots SBI entry points by filtering on the SBI type. The log viewer calculates if past positions have closed or not and estimates the win/loss ratios and market exposures accordingly.

Do you have other plans with Cryptohopper’s API?

Absolutely. The roadmap we have spans the next 18 months. We are adding further coins to our data sets, but also developing new exciting features such as :

Smart Take Profit where positions take profits are automatically moved to try and maximize return.

Smart DCA, Smart Dollar Cost Averaging is an expansion on our SBI triggering that will merge scheduled buy actions with statistical data to try and maximize coin volume acquisition.

How easy was it to develop based on Cryptohopper's API?

The process vas very easy. Our CEO reached out to Cryptohopper early on. After a short meeting, it was clear to us that this was going to be a good fit for us. The API is rich and documented well.

The oAUth2 based approach is familiar and robust. From a technical perspective, it was very easy!

We took our product from zero to Alpha in a weeks, and from there to live Beta in a few short months.

Cryptohopper always answered our queries quickly and supported us in many ways through the whole process. It really is a “family feel” as a Cryptohopper developer dev!

According to you, what other things can developers develop with Cryptohopper’s API for personal use or monetizing ideas?

The sky is the limit? The API provides all the functionality used to build Cryptohopper itself and so the possibilities are huge.

Mobile/Voice control

I think there is a huge scope to integrate Cryptohopper with mobile devices and introduce convenience for traders.

Simple alerting apps could use voice recognition API's to let users control executions using voice commands whilst out and about or driving.

I think it would be neat to have Cryptohopper send you a notification and be able to simply say “Hey Cryptohopper, sell all my BTC now”

Gambar Kotak Masuk


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Disclaimer: Cryptohopper bukanlah entitas teregulasi. Bot trading mata uang kripto melibatkan risiko besar, dan kinerja masa lalu tidak merefleksikan hasil di masa depan. Keuntungan yang ditampilkan dalam tangkapan layar produk hanya untuk tujuan ilustrasi dan mungkin terkesan dibesar-besarkan. Bergabunglah trading bot hanya jika Anda memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup atau mencari panduan dari penasihat keuangan yang terkualifikasi. Dalam situasi apa pun Cryptohopper tidak akan bertanggung jawab kepada orang atau entitas mana pun atas (a) kerugian atau kerusakan, secara keseluruhan atau sebagian, yang disebabkan oleh, yang timbul dari, atau sehubungan dengan transaksi yang melibatkan perangkat lunak kami atau (b) kerugian langsung, tidak langsung, khusus, konsekuensial, atau insidental. Harap dicatat bahwa konten yang tersedia di platform trading sosial Cryptohopper dibuat oleh anggota komunitas Cryptohopper dan bukan merupakan saran atau rekomendasi dari Cryptohopper atau atas namanya. Keuntungan yang ditampilkan di Marketplace tidak merefleksikan hasil di masa depan. Dengan menggunakan layanan Cryptohopper, Anda mengakui dan menerima risiko yang terkait dalam trading mata uang kripto dan setuju untuk membebaskan Cryptohopper dari segala kewajiban atau kerugian yang terjadi. Peninjauan dan pemahaman atas Ketentuan Layanan dan Kebijakan Pengungkapan Risiko kami sangatlah penting sebelum Anda menggunakan perangkat lunak kami atau terlibat dalam aktivitas trading apa pun. Silakan berkonsultasi dengan profesional hukum dan keuangan untuk mendapatkan saran yang dipersonalisasi berdasarkan keadaan spesifik Anda.

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