AMA with Cryptohopper's CEO to celebrate the company's 6th anniversary
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AMA with Cryptohopper's CEO to celebrate the company's 6th anniversary

As we mark Cryptohopper's 6th anniversary, we've handpicked several user questions to feature in this AMA with our CEO, providing insightful responses and valuable information.

When are you all going to make a StockHopper? I want to use this system on stocks as well.

We truly understand the interest in branching out into stocks. However, given the complexities and regulations surrounding the stock market, we currently do not have plans to develop a StockHopper. Our focus remains firmly on the crypto space for now.

How much is a white label version of CryptoHopper? One that I can run on my own server(s)?

We're always looking to innovate and provide tailored solutions. We're planning to further enhance our API. However, we won't be providing a downloadable owned version to be run on private servers for various reasons.

What processes are in place by CH to review Signals and Strategies being offered to protect End users other than customer reviews?

Protecting our end-users is a top priority. Every seller offering strategies must provide a comprehensive explanation of their approach. In addition, we attach a paper trader to every signal to monitor its performance. This allows us to review their statistics and the coins they choose, ensuring a level of transparency and accountability.

What are your short, medium and long term aims of the platform?

  • Short term: Our immediate focus is on enhancing user experience by making the platform more user-friendly and scalable.

  • Medium term: We plan to expand our core offerings' functionalities and ensure wider availability across various regions and exchanges.

  • Long term: We're excited about some innovative offerings in the pipeline targeting different user groups. However, I'm not at liberty to delve into those specifics yet. Stay tuned!

How do you keep track and plan to get ahead/ continue with an edge/advantage compared to competitors?

We believe in carving our own path rather than merely mimicking others. By continually listening to and building features based on our community's feedback, we ensure that we stay ahead. Our uniqueness lies in our advanced AI, strategy scanning, and the versatility of our platform. These attributes give us an edge in the market.

Do you miss your active acting career?

Haha, that's an interesting question! Surprisingly, I don't. While I had a blast during my acting days, the journey with Cryptohopper has been incredible. The learning curve here is steep and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. While I can't rule out venturing into the entertainment business in the future, my current focus is on the exciting developments we have lined up for Cryptohopper.

Gambar Kotak Masuk


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Disclaimer: Cryptohopper bukanlah entitas teregulasi. Bot trading mata uang kripto melibatkan risiko besar, dan kinerja masa lalu tidak merefleksikan hasil di masa depan. Keuntungan yang ditampilkan dalam tangkapan layar produk hanya untuk tujuan ilustrasi dan mungkin terkesan dibesar-besarkan. Bergabunglah trading bot hanya jika Anda memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup atau mencari panduan dari penasihat keuangan yang terkualifikasi. Dalam situasi apa pun Cryptohopper tidak akan bertanggung jawab kepada orang atau entitas mana pun atas (a) kerugian atau kerusakan, secara keseluruhan atau sebagian, yang disebabkan oleh, yang timbul dari, atau sehubungan dengan transaksi yang melibatkan perangkat lunak kami atau (b) kerugian langsung, tidak langsung, khusus, konsekuensial, atau insidental. Harap dicatat bahwa konten yang tersedia di platform trading sosial Cryptohopper dibuat oleh anggota komunitas Cryptohopper dan bukan merupakan saran atau rekomendasi dari Cryptohopper atau atas namanya. Keuntungan yang ditampilkan di Marketplace tidak merefleksikan hasil di masa depan. Dengan menggunakan layanan Cryptohopper, Anda mengakui dan menerima risiko yang terkait dalam trading mata uang kripto dan setuju untuk membebaskan Cryptohopper dari segala kewajiban atau kerugian yang terjadi. Peninjauan dan pemahaman atas Ketentuan Layanan dan Kebijakan Pengungkapan Risiko kami sangatlah penting sebelum Anda menggunakan perangkat lunak kami atau terlibat dalam aktivitas trading apa pun. Silakan berkonsultasi dengan profesional hukum dan keuangan untuk mendapatkan saran yang dipersonalisasi berdasarkan keadaan spesifik Anda.

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