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Institutional 'Smart Money' Records All-Time High Long Positions BTC

28 déc. 2023 2 min de lecture
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As the deadline for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to approve a spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) approaches, institutional investors and market-savvy participants are making resounding bullish bets on Bitcoin (BTC). The smart money index, monitored by data-tracking website MacroMicro, has surged to an all-time high of 13,711, signaling a record inclination towards long positions by asset managers and significant market participants.

MacroMicro's Bitcoin futures smart money index meticulously tracks the spread between extensive long and short positions held by substantial investors on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). This index's latest ascent to 13,711 represents an unprecedented level of net bullish sentiment.

In the context of futures contracts, adopting a long position obligates the investor to purchase the underlying asset at a predetermined price in the future. This stance typically reflects a bullish outlook.

Driving Factors for Smart Money Index

The smart money index's surge coincides with heightened speculation surrounding the potential launch of a spot ETF and mounting expectations for a Federal Reserve rate cut in 2024. The SEC has set January 10 as the decision deadline for a Bitcoin ETF, a development expected to draw substantial inflows into the asset class.

Market analysts have begun to anticipate a classic "sell the news" scenario following the launch of one or more spot ETFs. As the momentous event approaches, market demand for the BTC Spot ETF is anticipated to fall short of initial expectations, potentially prompting a short-term retracement. The next resistance level stands at $48,000, with a possible retreat to the $36,000 mark before resuming the upward trajectory.

Bottom Line: Despite this potential short-term price adjustment, experts believe the bullish trend will regain momentum, particularly ahead of April's mining reward halving, underscoring the enduring confidence of institutional and informed market participants in Bitcoin's long-term prospects.

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