
HTX DAO Launches Recruitment for New Governance Committee Members to Foster Sustainable Development

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Efficient Operations in Two Major Governance Modules

The HTX DAO Governance Modules focus on the trading ecosystem and its related functional modules. Each Governance Module corresponds to a specific functional area, including external cooperation and community governance, and is assigned specific committee positions that focus on specific governance tasks within that module to achieve detailed management and effective governance.

Key responsibilities for the roles are detailed below:

1. Committee Members for Community Governance: Focused on increasing engagement and building consensus in community governance, these committee members will encourage DAO members to get deeply involved in governance discussions and proposal formulation while expanding the depth and reach of content dissemination.

2. Committee Members for Brand Building: With a focus on boosting HTX DAO’s brand influence and market recognition, these committee members will drive the brand’s external visibility and expand collaborations while strengthening external users’ understanding and support of HTX DAO.

Ensure Transparency in Recruitment with Layer-by-Layer Selection

The recruitment for HTX DAO Governance Committee members is open from November 15 to December 4. (Application link: https://forms.gle/oBWRfgMcxXhagCH26). Candidates will be announced on December 6, followed by community voting until December 13. The final list of selected committee members will be revealed on December 16, and the new governance committee will officially begin its term. For the latest updates and news on recruitment, follow the HTX DAO’s official account on X and Telegram.

A market-competitive basic pay will be offered to ensure committee members’ dedication and continuous participation in DAO governance. In addition, extra rewards will be provided based on governance contributions, motivating members to actively drive community development.

HTX DAO now rotates its committee members every six months to ensure the vitality and innovation of the governance team at different stages. In the future, as the DAO becomes more decentralized, the rotation mechanism will be more flexible. The community will vote on committee members’ terms to adapt to the evolving governance requirements.

HTX DAO is in the early stages of building an exchange-oriented DAO. The establishment of a governance committee plays a key role in HTX DAO’s development, as it will help convey its philosophy to the global crypto community. Looking ahead, HTX DAO will focus on attracting users from around the world, while exploring methods to grant more decision-making power to community members. This will strengthen democratic governance, foster greater engagement, and boost community vitality. Offering community members more opportunities to participate will spark collective wisdom, fueling the sustainable development of HTX DAO.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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