
Change Log: Version 1.96

22 mai 2024 2 min de lecture
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Version 1.96


  • Updated to auto-fill the withdrawal address in the Travel Rule dialogue if previously used

  • Updated to display the El Salvador terms in the Bitfinex Securities footer and the related securities listings category in Securities Trading

  • Updated the Bitfinex Pulse filter functionality to allow token-based filtering in the “All” feed

  • Updated the tokens’ Status Table on the deposits and withdrawals page to add search and filter options


  • Updated to reduce the headings font size in the tokens information pop-up

  • Updated to display recent Bitfinex Securities posts on context-switch to Securities sub-accounts

  • Updated  the Bitfinex Pulse sidebar to redirect users to the full token feed page

  • Updated Bitcoin View mode in Bitfinex Pulse to display the BTC feed instead of the SAT/BIT feed.

  • Updated translations when creating a new Lightning Channel and the Cookies Preferences link in the Bitfinex Securities footer

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue of scrollbar appearing in the sidebar on some Windows resolutions

  • Fixed the issue of the OTC max amount rounded incorrectly

  • Fixed the P/L calculation in SAT mode (when with multiple positions with BTC collateral)

  • Fixed to add the address from the address book to whitelisted addresses with tag

  • Fixed to enable withdrawals for whitelisted addresses without a payment ID.

The post appeared first on Bitfinex blog.

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