
Change Log: Version 1.111

19 févr. 2025 2 min de lecture
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Version 1.111


  • Addition of USDQ to the happyCOINS on-ramp service


  • Updated to add ‘Use minimum’ and ‘Use maximum’ buttons in the Claim positions modal

  • Updated the paper trading balances refill validation

  • Updated to show margin and funding wallets in securities accounts when either has a balance

  • Updated to disallow negative numbers in the leverage field of the derivatives* order form

  • Updated the PGP keys to show an expiry date

  • Updated to disallow U2F device registration without a label for the device name

  • Updated to restore the selected currency in the movements wizard when refreshing the page or navigating back one step

  • Updated to add the icon tooltips in some generate address modals and some tooltips in the Edit order modal

  • Updated to add translations for the mobile app banner and translations for the Lightning Network withdrawal modal

  • Updated to add a tooltip in the Lightning Channel when the ‘Pay with Bitfinex’ button is disabled due to an insufficient balance

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the OTC amount sorting

  • Fixed the order book settings modal close functionality

  • Fixed the placement of the collapsible pop-ups in Tours and Guides

  • Fixed the Funding filters panel placement for narrow and regular screens

  • Fixed a Settings modals issue when confirming a change in one to open the next modal

  • Fixed the handling null value U2F permissions

  • Fixed the issue of toggling outside of the text area which toggled the checkbox for LN-BTC withdrawals

  • Fixed the withdraw OTP form submit to prevent page reload when pressing ‘enter’

  • Fixed the address generation not being clickable in the Mercuryo deposit modal.

*The derivatives platform is provided by Bitfinex Derivatives El Salvador S.A. de C.V.. References to Bitfinex Derivatives in this post are references to Bitfinex Derivatives El Salvador S.A. de C.V.. The Bitfinex APIs are designed to allow complete access to the features provided by Bitfinex. Learn more about our API documentation here.

The post appeared first on Bitfinex blog.

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