January 2023 Update from Cryptohopper
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January 2023 Update from Cryptohopper

Get ready, traders - our engineering team has been hard at work behind the scenes, and we're thrilled to share several exciting improvements to the Cryptohopper platform with you. From enhanced security measures to improved usability, there's a lot to look forward to. Keep reading to find out more about what we've been up to.


  • Enhanced security - We have added new security measures, including device authorization, and fixed issues with the App Check feature on mobile devices. In response to Binance's API key policy changes, we now offer the option to whitelist IP addresses for uninterrupted trading on Cryptohopper.

  • The easiest way to get started with bot trading - Copy Bot is now in open beta, making it possible to get started with bot trading without any manual configuration

  • Improved usability - We've redesigned the navigation to make it more intuitive and user-friendly

  • Accessibility in more languages - You can now access how-to videos in 3 new languages to get started with bot trading

Cryptohopper enhances security measures

First and foremost, we've added some enhanced security measures to protect your accounts.

Device authorization is now available on our website and iOS and Android apps.

If you've been having trouble with the App Check feature on your mobile device, don't worry - we've fixed those bugs and updated the error messages to make things easier for you. Read more on how to secure your account from cyber attacks here.

Cryptohopper web authentication update
Cryptohopper web authentication update

Binance's recent changes to their API key policy

But that's not all we've been up to. In response to Binance's recent changes to their API key policy, you now have the option to whitelist IP addresses to ensure that your trading on Cryptohopper goes smoothly.

And don't worry, we've reached out to all other connected crypto exchanges as well to anticipate any potential changes to their API key policies.

Read more here

Auto trade without any Manual configuration with Cryptohopper's new Copy Bot feature

We are introducing a brand-new feature that we think you're going to like: Copy Bot.

No matter your skill level, you can now easily copy the trades of successful traders without any manual configuration.

And the best part is, you can subscribe to an unlimited number of Copy Bots - even on our free tier plan. If you're a beginner or just don't have time to manually configure your bot trades, a Copy Bot is perfect for you. Learn more: https://www.cryptohopper.com/marketplace/copy-bots

Cryptohopper Copy Bot update
Cryptohopper Copy Bot update

Experience Improved Navigation on Cryptohopper's Web App

We have completely revamped the navigation of our web app to be more intuitive and user-friendly, making it easier for you to access all of the features and functionality of Cryptohopper.

Cryptohopper dashboard update
Cryptohopper dashboard update

We've made some changes to our loyalty program

The automated rebate program for Cryptohopper Plus has been discontinued, but don't worry - we've got some exciting new perks in the works.

More Language Options with Addition of Spanish, German, and Dutch How-To Videos

Last but not least, we're dedicated to making it as easy as possible for you to get started with bot trading. That's why we've added how-to videos in three additional languages: Spanish, German, and Dutch.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to expand your skills, these new language options will make it easier than ever to take advantage of all that Cryptohopper has to offer.

Cryptohopper YouTube update
Cryptohopper YouTube update

Cryptohopper engineering team working on improved Backtesting and Mobile App features

But we're not stopping there. Our engineering team is hard at work on some more exciting updates that are just around the corner.

We're improving backtesting for more reliability and transparency, and stats for our regular trading bot and output messages for impacted users will be coming back to our iOS and Android apps.

That way, you can easily track your portfolio performance on the go.

We hope you're as excited about these updates as we are. Become a better trader with Cryptohopper.

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Clause de non-responsabilité : Cryptohopper n'est pas une entité réglementée. Le trading de crypto-monnaies avec des bots implique des risques substantiels, et les performances passées ne sont pas indicatives des résultats futurs. Les gains indiqués dans les captures d'écran des produits sont à titre d'illustration et peuvent être exagérés. Ne vous engagez dans le bot trading que si vous possédez des connaissances suffisantes ou si vous demandez l'avis d'un conseiller financier qualifié. En aucun cas Cryptohopper n'acceptera de responsabilité envers une personne ou une entité pour (a) toute perte ou dommage, en tout ou en partie, causé par, découlant de, ou en relation avec des transactions impliquant notre logiciel ou (b) tout dommage direct, indirect, spécial, consécutif, ou accessoire. Veuillez noter que le contenu disponible sur la plateforme de trading social de Cryptohopper est généré par les membres de la communauté Cryptohopper et ne constitue pas un conseil ou une recommandation de la part de Cryptohopper ou en son nom. Les profits affichés sur le marketplace ne sont pas indicatifs des résultats futurs. En utilisant les services de Cryptohopper, vous reconnaissez et acceptez les risques inhérents à l'exchange de crypto-monnaies et acceptez de dégager Cryptohopper de toute responsabilité ou perte encourue. Il est essentiel d'examiner et de comprendre nos conditions de service et notre politique de divulgation des risques avant d'utiliser notre logiciel ou de s'engager dans des activités de trading. Veuillez consulter des professionnels juridiques et financiers pour obtenir des conseils personnalisés en fonction de votre situation particulière.

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