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Vitalik Buterin Discusses Hezbollah Betting on Polymarket

2 oct 2024 2 min read
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Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, recently weighed in on the controversial Hezbollah betting section on Polymarket during a discussion on X (formerly Twitter). His comments ignited a debate regarding the ethical implications of betting on conflicts.

Buterin Explains Why He Supports Polymarket

The conversation began when a user, known as Legendary, expressed concern that the Hezbollah betting section trivializes war, likening it to a football game for betting. In response, Buterin stated, “I support these existing.” He explained that Polymarket serves dual purposes: for traders, it's a betting platform, while for viewers, it acts as a news source.

Buterin noted that the internet is filled with individuals making predictions about wars and conflicts but emphasized that many do not have a direct stake in the outcomes.

He clarified that the intent behind such platforms is not to profit from negative events but to create an environment where people are accountable for their statements. This approach, he argued, helps prevent both unjustified fearmongering and complacency without government or corporate censorship.

In the ensuing discussion, Zach Rynes from the Chainlink community raised concerns about the risks associated with assassination prediction markets, questioning whether they could incentivize real-life actions. Buterin responded firmly, stating he would oppose such markets, emphasizing that the critical factor is whether the market incentivizes individuals to engage in harmful behavior for profit.

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