
Kraken partners with RB Leipzig to innovate the German football fan experience

25 sept 2024 4 min read
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Kraken Chief Marketing Officer Mayur Gupta: “Kraken and RB Leipzig’s origin stories share similar roots in charting an unconventional path to achieve long term success in our respective fields. Kraken has spent over a decade providing a bridge to the crypto ecosystem while raising the bar for client service and industry cybersecurity protocols.”

“As we continue our expansion strategy and efforts to further our mission across Europe, we’re proud to partner with such a forward-thinking club to showcase the value that crypto can bring to football fans and the local community, while driving understanding and adoption of crypto.”

RB Leipzig’s Managing Director Johann Plenge:“We are proud to have partnered with another internationally successful company. With Kraken, we have expanded our network by working alongside a significant U.S. brand just a few weeks after our first U.S. tour.”

“RB Leipzig and Kraken share a strong, professional and innovative approach, as was highlighted during talks together in Miami. What also unites us is that both Kraken and RB Leipzig have become key figures on our respective playing fields within a very short time – and still have a lot planned for the future. We look forward to taking these next steps together!”

In Europe, Kraken is a widely used platform for trading crypto. During 2023, Kraken was one of the most liquid venues for Bitcoin and Ethereum trading against the euro, according to data from Kaiko. In Germany, Kraken’s product offering is facilitated through a strategic partnership with DLT Finance, a brand of DLT Securities GmbH and DLT Custody GmbH, a leading BaFin-licensed digital asset broker and custody provider.

The RB Leipzig partnership is the latest milestone within our broader global marketing strategy to meet our audience where they are in their crypto journey with best-in-class Web3 integrations. It follows our recent partnership announcements with Atlético de Madrid and Tottenham Hotspur FC. For more information about the RB Leipzig partnership and upcoming fan experiences, please visit our landing page.

In connection with the cooperation between Kraken and DLT Finance, this service is provided by DLT Finance, a brand of DLT Securities GmbH and DLT Custody GmbH. BaFin supervises DLT Securities GmbH for trading and DLT Custody GmbH for custody. Fiat services are provided by Payward Ireland Limited, an e-money institution authorized by the Central Bank of Ireland.

These materials are for general information purposes only and are not investment advice or a recommendation or solicitation to buy, sell, stake, or hold any cryptoasset or to engage in any specific trading strategy. Kraken makes no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of any such information and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. Kraken does not and will not work to increase or decrease the price of any particular cryptoasset it makes available through DLT Finance. The unpredictable nature of the cryptoasset markets can lead to loss of funds. Tax may be payable on any return and/or on any increase in the value of your cryptoassets and you should seek independent advice on your taxation position. Geographic restrictions may apply.

The post appeared first on Kraken Blog.

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