
HTX Debuts “Earn with Pending Orders” Event: Join Now for a Share of 25.7B $HTX!

27 jun 2024 4 min read
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“Earn with Pending Orders”: A New Trading Experience

HTX’s “Earn with Pending Orders” evaluates the order book status within the platform’s trading market. At regular intervals, snapshots of pending orders for the designated trading pair will be taken to determine whether the prices at which users place their orders fall within a valid range around the current market bid and ask prices. Subsequently, rewards will be calculated based on the order amount each user has placed.

  • Random Minute-by-Minute Snapshots: Ensuring Transparency and Fairness

The first phase of HTX’s “Earn with Pending Orders” event will last from 10:00 (UTC) on June 26, 2024, to 10:00 (UTC) on July 3, 2024, featuring BTC/USDT as the designated spot trading pair. The platform will snapshot pending orders randomly once per minute to record their status. Pending orders must be limit orders with a minimum amount of 100 USDT at the time of the snapshot. Additionally, the price of pending orders should not deviate by more than 0.5% from the latest executed price (closing price) at the time of the snapshot.

Here is an example. Let’s assume the latest executed price (closing price) at the time of the snapshot for BTC/USDT is 60,000 USDT. The threshold range is ±0.5%. Therefore, the upper limit price for pending orders will be 60,300 USDT (calculated as 60,000 x 1.005), and the lower limit price will be 59,700 USDT (calculated as 60,000 x 0.995). Therefore, valid pending orders must have prices at the time of the snapshot between 59,700 USDT and 60,300 USDT (59,700 USDT < Pending order price < 60,300 USDT).

  • Mega Prize: Enjoy Nonstop Rewards in 24/7 Hours

The event boasts a total prize pool of 25,700,000,000 $HTX, with a daily prize pool of 3,675,569,713 $HTX, and a per-minute prize pool of 2,552,478 $HTX. During the event, users will share the per-minute prize pool proportionally based on the amounts of their valid pending orders. However, the hourly reward cap for each user in this event is 85,763,293 $HTX. A user will not receive rewards if either the reward limit for the participant or the prize pool limit is reached.

Example: Let’s assume that, in a specific minute, the total amount of all eligible pending orders is 1,000 USDT, and User A has a pending order amounting to 100 USDT. According to the provided reward calculation formula, User A’s reward can be calculated as 2,552,478 $HTX * (100/1,000). Therefore, User A would receive a reward of 255,247.8 $HTX for that minute.

Please note that users need to click “Register Now” in the announcement to participate in the event.

Event Details: https://www.htx.com.jm/support/en-us/detail/74973710050124

Putting Users First: Meeting Diverse Demands

HTX has always been committed to delivering users worldwide secure, diversified, and efficient trading services for digital assets. Since its establishment, HTX has always upheld a user-first philosophy, consistently innovating and improving user experiences to meet their diverse demands. HTX expressed its desire to drive the development of the cryptocurrency industry through innovative events and products such as “Earn with Pending Orders”, seeking to grow together with users and foster value creation.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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