
Bitfinex Pay – Release V0.7

1 jul 2024 4 min read
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We’re pleased to share the latest updates to Bitfinex Pay. For more on Bitfinex Pay, please refer to https://blog.bitfinex.com/category/bitfinex-pay/.

Merchant Dashboard


  • The Payout feature has been implemented, allowing merchants to add recipients (providers, employees, contractors, etc.) and seamlessly send payments to them. This is a Pro feature, so only merchants with Bitfinex Pay Pro plan will be able to use it. If you are interested in upgrading to Bitfinex Pay Pro, contact us at [email protected]

  • Users accessing from a prohibited jurisdiction are now unable to use the Bitfinex Pay Merchant Dashboard


  • Improved the efficiency of data management in the Invoices menu

  • Added a new event when a payment is manually added to an invoice in Invoice Details -> Invoice History

  • Improved the design of the Payments menu, which was showing a wide blank space between the column headers and the data

  • Accents are now ignored in search functionality in the whole dashboard

  • Added translations for country selector in Manual Invoice Generator

  • Payments done through Bitfinex Pay (off-chain instant payments) now show the text “Off-Chain Transaction” in the Transaction Hash column in the Payments menu

  • Improved the design of the Invoice Details -> Payments menu

  • Added a FIAT filter in auto-convert history

  • Improved the “leaving our site” modal design

  • Improve front-end error message when address limit has been reached

  • When a merchant tries to access the Dashboard without their 2FA setup, we now show a button in the “2FA missing” modal redirecting to 2FA security settings

  • Improved the efficiency of data load of the latest news articles

  • Associated Order ID on the payments table is now truncated if larger than the space we have available

  • Made a few copy improvements in the refund flow

  • Improved the auto-convert history token filtering

  • Improved pagination for Auto convert history table

  • Expired invoices now support the manual addition of payments

  • Pagination buttons are now removed if there is only one page of data

  • Now, when disabling all active auto-converts in Wallets, we show a list of the active auto-conversions which will be disabled

  • The values of the Amount and Deposit/Ledger ID columns in Payments sometimes show too close together. Improved the design to fix it

  • Invoice Details -> Payments: Bitfinex Pay payments no longer show TX Hash and show Ledger ID

  • Improved the design of multiple payments grouping in Payments


  • Fixed an issue causing the export functionality in the Payments menu not to work properly

  • Fixed an issue causing login problems when a merchant has cleared cookies

  • Fixed an issue causing internal notes in invoices not to be deleted or saved when edited

  • Fixed an issue causing the Payments -> Unlinked Deposits date selector to show an incorrect period selected

  • Added the missing year in time of invoice creation in the confirmation modal when manually adding a payment to an invoice

End Customer Payment Flow


  • The “Pay with your Wallet” payment option has been enabled again after fixing the technical issues with both Metamask and Walletconnect

  • A new “Switch Network” button was added to the Metamask payment flow if the app detects that Metamask is connected to the wrong blockchain network. Clicking this button will send a request to the user’s Metamask to switch to the correct network

  • Improved the background colour of the language selector

  • WalletConnect integration has been upgraded to their V2 API


  • Fixed an issue causing some wallets to not properly work with Walletconnect, failing when scanning the QR code

  • Fixed an issue with WalletConnect when connected to Ledger Live, which prevented users from completing payments with USDt ETH

  • Fixed an issue with the Metamask API, which caused payment information not to be transferred to the user’s wallet, therefore making the payment impossible

  • Fixed an issue causing the wrong error message to be shown when the Metamask extension is not installed in the user’s browser

  • Fixed an issue causing the network to not change in Metamask even after disconnecting and reconnecting your Wallet

  • Fixed an issue causing the wrong amount to be copied in Manual Payment after an initial insufficient payment has been completed

  • Fixed an issue causing the Terms of Service button layout to not be responsive on mobile devices

POS Web app


  • The design of invoice creation has been improved to accommodate large FIAT amounts

Demo Dashboard


  • Fixed an issue causing customer names to be shown in the Invoices menu

  • Fixed an issue causing auto-convert buttons not to be shown in the Wallets menu

Start accepting crypto payments with Bitfinex Pay today: https://pay.bitfinex.com/.

The post Bitfinex Pay – Release V0.7 appeared first on Bitfinex blog.

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