New Technical Analysis Metrics By VantageCrypto!
#Technical Analysis 101

New Technical Analysis Metrics By VantageCrypto!

Introducing integration of order book and order flow metrics with the addition of this extension to the Cryptohopper platform

There is a book that is sometimes referred to as “the Bible of technical analysis”. Written in 1974 and updated slightly in 1999, Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets by John J. Murphy is not a light read, but it is a fantastic book that we recommend to anyone who wants to get serious about trading.

The book focuses on three core components of technical analysis: price, volume, and open interest action.

The author details an array of methods and applications primarily focused on price action analysis, including many common principals and theories such as Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), Bollinger Bands, Relative Strength Index (RSI) and much more.

On the topic of open interest, what they are really talking about here is asset liquidity.

The problem with legacy financial markets is that they were not really equipped to report real-time order books for individual assets. Historically, technical analysis of liquidity has been limited to analysis of open interest, which is limited to contract-based vehicles such as futures and options.

Due to limitations in legacy markets, this book only discusses the exploration of order books as it pertains to open interest, which does have some applicability but is hugely limited in scope.

“Historically, technical analysis of liquidity has been limited to analysis of open interest”

One of the great things about advanced crypto exchanges is their ability to report real-time order books on individual assets along with providing differentiated volume.

The order book and order flow data these exchanges provide is super powerful and virtually untested from a technical analysis perspective, but that is changing.

The use of order book and order flow data metrics for technical analysis is becoming increasingly more popular as more traders are finding value in the data.

Analysis of this data is likely to bring new names to technical analysis alongside Elliot and Bollinger as the market continues to digest and correlate this data.


VantageCrypto has been operating in the crypto sector for close to three years now and has specialized in crypto order book and order flow data.

In fact, VantageCrypto has one of the leading sites on the internet for order book and order flow data and is one of the few sites that offers a historical view of this data. CoinMarketFlow.com, previously VCDepth.io, offers an array of order book and order flow data across all crypto trading grade exchanges and assets.

“The use of order book and order flow data metrics for technical analysis is becoming increasingly more popular”

VantageCrypto has made this data available for others to explorer via API and continues to expand its API dataset and capabilities.

Leveraging their own API, VantageCrypto has started the development of a market analysis signaling platform which they have been using to actively engage in brute force analysis of these metrics.

The value of this data continues to become more apparent the more it is analyzed, and with GPU offloading and machine learning providing “self-healing signals”, the effectiveness of this data and its analysis will only continue to improve.

It was time to take testing out of the lab and begin integrating the data with a leading automated trading platform for crypto. When it comes to automated trading platforms, there are many out there but few that provide a great user experience and capable platform. Cryptohopper is one of the leading automated trading solutions and provides that great user experience alongside an extremely capable platform.

Cryptohopper has experienced explosive growth and has looked to expand its role in the industry by extending near-complete control of its platform’s capabilities through a very agile API interface.

This expanding of services opens Cryptohopper to integrate with countless platforms and to be a service provider to other trading services. Cryptohopper is not just an end-user endpoint anymore; it is a solution’s provider for automated trading services.

“Cryptohopper is not just an end-user endpoint anymore; It is a solution’s provider for automated trading services“

Imagine the power of integrating one of the world’s leading automated trading platforms for crypto and one of the world’s leading providers of order flow metrics and analytics for crypto!

In coordination with Cryptohopper, VantageCrypto has released the first third-party application to ride on Cryptohopper’s new API infrastructure and provide services directly to Cryptohopper’s user base.

In coordination with Cryptohopper, VantageCrypto proudly presents Vantage Triggers, an extension of Cryptohopper Triggers functionality. Vantage Triggers incorporates order flow and order book data along with large-order tracking into a familiar interface for Cryptohopper users.

Cryptohopper users can access Vantage Triggers at https://triggers.vantagecrypto.com. Just login, associate your account and configure triggers for any of your trading bots.

When discussing the new relationship, the VantageCrypto CEO stated

This represents a powerful combination for traders that enhances and enriches Cryptohopper’s user experience while immediately providing our application with exposure to the more than 320.000 Cryptohopper users. We look forward to further exploring the possibilities of this relationship with Cryptohopper.

The VantageCrypto CTO stated:“Thanks to Cryptohopper’s well documented API and responsive team, we were able to hit ground running and seamlessly integrate our data with their platform in short order"

“Vantage Triggers incorporates order flow and order book data along with large-order tracking into a familiar interface for Cryptohopper users“

The service is free for a single trading bot and budget-oriented to extend capabilities to additional trading bots. If you aren’t already a Cryptohopper user we recommend you give them a try.

We think you will prefer the Cryptohopper interface over other automated trading platforms you may have tried before.

If you aren’t familiar with order book and order flow metrics, we recommend reviewing the VantageCrypto screener at CoinMarketFlow.com.

Discover the power of order book and order flow analysis with VantageCrypto and Cryptohopper, discover Vantage Triggers!

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