Earn 20 USDC by Using Coinbase Portfolios on Cryptohopper
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Earn 20 USDC by Using Coinbase Portfolios on Cryptohopper

Coinbase is offering a promotion where you can earn 20 USDC simply by trading on Coinbase Portfolios through Cryptohopper. This is a fantastic opportunity to take advantage of the useful portfolio feature (sub-accounts) available on Coinbase Advanced to apply different automated trading strategies through Cryptohopper!

What Are Coinbase Portfolios?

Coinbase Portfolios, also known as sub-accounts on other crypto exchanges, allow users to apply different trading strategies to separate portions of their invested funds.

This feature has been highly anticipated by Cryptohopper traders, especially since a similar feature wasn’t available during the transition from Coinbase Pro to Coinbase Advanced.

If you're not familiar with how to set up Coinbase Portfolios, don't worry! We've got you covered with a detailed Knowledge Base article that explains everything you need to know about setting up Portfolios (sub-accounts) on Cryptohopper.

Promotion Period

  • Start Date:July 15, 2024, at 4:00 PM (UTC)

  • End Date: August 31, 2024, at 11:59 PM (UTC)


To qualify for this promotion and earn the 20 USDC reward, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be an existing or first-time API trader on Coinbase Advanced.

  • Have never traded via a non-default portfolio before.

  • Execute a minimum total trading volume of $100 through the Coinbase Advanced API in a non-default portfolio during the promotion period.

Key Terms and Conditions

  • The reward is available only while supplies last, with a total prize pool of $20,000.

  • The promotion is limited to one payout per customer.

  • Rewards will be credited to successful customers’ Coinbase accounts within 21 days after the promotion period ends.

  • Coinbase will determine the total trading volume executed by each customer at its sole discretion.

Additional Information

  • This is a limited-time offer.

  • Coinbase reserves the right to change the terms, eligibility criteria, and payouts for this offer at any time and for any reason.

  • Coinbase may exclude any participant from this offer and revoke any offer at its sole discretion.

  • The promotion is not available to Coinbase employees or in the UK.

  • Customers should practice caution while sharing their API keys.

For the complete terms and conditions, please visit Coinbase's website.

Don’t Miss Out!

This is a limited-time opportunity to earn 20 USDC with Coinbase's Advanced API Multi-Portfolio promotion through Cryptohopper. Apply your Cryptohopper trading strategies, explore new possibilities with Coinbase Portfolios, and take advantage of this gift of appreciation of using Coinbase Portfolios.

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