Cryptohopper becomes OKB partner!
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Cryptohopper becomes OKB partner!

OKB, the global utility token adopted by OKX, a world-leading cryptocurrency spot and derivatives exchange, recently announced the cooperation with well-known trading bot platform Cryptohopper. OKB holders can now earn one-time passive income with 15% interest and enjoy discounted fees on Cryptohopper.

During June 2020, a single day's trading volume of OKB surpassed $300 million, and the highest increase hit 16%. According to a report by crypto-data aggregator CoinCodex, OKB ranked first among the three major tokens that the market should focus on in June. Additionally, CoinCodex believes that the value of OKB will be further enhanced.

OKB Holding Challenge

The rules of the OKB Holding challenge can be found here. Click on "Enroll" and be sure that you fill in "Cryptohopper" in the second question "Your channel's name".

OKB Holding Challenge
OKB Holding Challenge

What is OKB?

OKB, the global utility token issued by OK Blockchain Foundation, is one of the fundamental infrastructures of OKX trading platform.

All OKB holders can enjoy exclusive functions on OKX platform with a wide range of ecosystem use cases available.

OKX hopes to achieve a win-win situation in the global blockchain era and jointly promote the healthy development of the blockchain and digital asset sector through OKB.

OKB is a deflationary token with the total supply of 300 million OKB, and a certain amount of OKB will be repurchased by the platform from the secondary market quarterly.

What is Cryptohopper

Cryptohopper is the most advanced crypto trading bot available.

You can automate your trading strategy based on more than 130 Technical Indicators and Candle Patterns by using Cryptohopper’s Strategy Designer, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy Designer and TradingView Webhooks. You can also subscribe to a Signaler in the Cryptohopper Marketplace to receive buy signals that will be placed on OKX automatically. You can use additional buying and selling features such as Trailing Stop-Loss, Stop-Loss, Dollar Cost Averaging, and Shorting to optimize your trading results.

Next to the Automated Trading bot, Cryptohopper offers free Manual Trading and Portfolio Management, Market Making, Exchange Arbitrage, and Market Arbitrage. Use OKB tokens to benefit from the reduced transaction fees and to improve your trading results with Cryptohopper!

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