Bitcoin at Resistance Looking For a Breakout!
#Bitcoin#Cryptocurrency#support and resistance+3 más etiquetas

Bitcoin at Resistance Looking For a Breakout!

This past week has been great for Bitcoin, as the coin gained 22% in just 7 days. However, it is currently at a resistance, which Bitcoin will need to overcome for the rally to continue.

Breakout Incoming?

This Bitcoin resistance level was the last high made last year before the FTX-induced crash.

It has previously acted as a resistance 4 times between June and November 2022.

If Bitcoin manages to break above this resistance level, the next target stands at $25,000, which is the highest level reached since June 2022. This is 20% higher than the current level.

Usually, when the price is trending strongly, and it suddenly stops at a resistance, if it is unable to break that resistance quickly, it will start dropping. This is because it starts to lose momentum, and as we know, when a cryptocurrency starts losing its momentum, it usually changes directions.

Support Levels

If Bitcoin suffers a reversal, we could see the price drop to $18,000. This level acted as a support throughout the entire second half of 2022, preventing the price from going lower.

Apart from this support level, the 30 Exponential Moving Average (EMA) is usually a decent mobile support and resistance, which keeps the price from going above/below it.

Looking Ahead: If the price breaks below $18,000 and the 30 EMA, we finally have the $15,500 support level.

However, it is less likely we will end up all the way there. This is because when looking back 4 years ago, we had a similar pattern.

Bitcoin had a small uptrend and then continued its consolidation phase for two more months before starting a bull run. However, it never reached its lows again.

Therefore, if history is to repeat itself, we won’t fall back to $15,500 unless some bad news occurs, like another crypto exchange failing.

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