BingX and Cryptohopper Organize Bot Trading Tournament: Win Prizes!
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BingX and Cryptohopper Organize Bot Trading Tournament: Win Prizes!

Together with our new crypto exchange partner, BingX, we are organizing a crypto bot trading tournament where you can win yearly trading bot subscriptions and up to 3000 USDT! BingX provides free bot subscriptions for the trading tournament. Read more about how you can join the tournament and win prizes.

We’re excited to organize a trading tournament with our new crypto exchange partner, BingX! BingX provides free Explorer subscriptions from the automated trading platform Cryptohopper to get you ready to trade and win prizes!

Event period

Ensure you register your BingX account through this link. Register now and start trading USDT trading pairs on 26-12-2023 until 01-02-2024 to be eligible for the prizes.

Event rules and prizes

The total prize pool is 3000 USDT from BingX and 10 one-year Explorer subscriptions from Cryptohopper!

The prizes are distributed based on one criteria: Trading volume.

  • 1,000 USDT prize pool will be unlocked when there are 20+ participants.

  • 2,000 USDT prize pool will be unlocked when there are 50+ participants.

  • 3,000 USDT prize pool will be unlocked when there are 100+ participants.

Prizes and ranking:

  • Ranking 1: 30% of the prize pool.

  • Ranking 2: 18% of the prize pool.

  • Ranking 3: 10% of the prize pool.

  • Ranking 4 to 10: 6% of the prize pool per person.

The top 10 traders in Trading Volume Ranking will also be rewarded with a Cryptohopper Explorer subscription for 1 year!

Important: There is no initial equity (net asset value) and you need a cumulative trading volume of over 10,000 USDT to qualify for the prizes.

Gift for new users of BingX

When calculating the final prize, your prize will be multiplied by 1.5 if you’re not an existing BingX user yet! BingX also offers additional rewards when completing additional challenges once registered. Don’t miss out on these rewards!

How to join the trading tournament of BingX?

Joining the tournament is easy! Register on BingX and ensure you trade USDT trading pairs. Become a verified user and connect your BingX account to Cryptohopper by following this tutorial or checking out our explanatory video. The Explorer subscription will automatically be added to your trading bot.

Discover Cryptohopper’s automated trading features, such as Trailing stop-loss, Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA), TradingView Alerts, and the Strategy Designer, and configure it to your liking.

Is automated trading new to you? No worries! Cryptohopper’s Marketplace offers Bot templates, trading strategies, and trading signals to jumpstart your trading!

Read more about Cryptohopper’s trading bot and check out our extensive documentation.

Join the BingX trading tournament now and win prizes! Read BingX's post here

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Descargo de responsabilidad: Cryptohopper no es una entidad regulada. El Trading de bots de criptomoneda implica riesgos sustanciales, y el rendimiento pasado no es indicativo de resultados futuros. Las ganancias mostrados en las capturas de pantalla de los productos tienen fines ilustrativos y pueden ser exagerados. Participe en el Trading con bots únicamente si posee conocimientos suficientes o busque la orientación de un asesor financiero cualificado. Bajo ninguna circunstancia Cryptohopper aceptará responsabilidad alguna ante ninguna persona o entidad por (a) cualquier pérdida o daño, total o parcial, causado por, derivado de o en relación con transacciones que impliquen nuestro software o (b) cualquier daño directo, indirecto, especial, consecuente o incidental. Tenga en cuenta que el contenido disponible en la plataforma de Trading social Cryptohopper es generado por los miembros de la comunidad Cryptohopper y no constituye asesoramiento o recomendaciones de Cryptohopper o en su nombre. Las ganancias mostrados en el Marketplace no son indicativos de resultados futuros. Al utilizar los servicios de Cryptohopper, usted reconoce y acepta los riesgos inherentes al Trading de criptomonedas y se compromete a eximir a Cryptohopper de cualquier responsabilidad o pérdida en que incurra. Es esencial revisar y comprender nuestras Condiciones de servicio y Política de divulgación de riesgos antes de utilizar nuestro software o participar en cualquier actividad comercial. Consulte a profesionales jurídicos y financieros para obtener asesoramiento personalizado en función de sus circunstancias específicas.

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