
LUNA 2.0 listing and Terra airdrop distribution schedule

30. Mai 2022 2 Min. gelesen
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In line with the Terra Ecosystem Revival Plan:

  • The genesis airdrop of LUNA 2.0 (30%) will be distributed today, May 30th 2022, at 17:30 CET

  • LUNA 2.0 will be listed on Bitvavo and trading will start today, May 30th 2022, at 18:00 CET

  • The remaining airdrop (70%) will be distributed from December 2022 onwards

LUNA Airdrop

As described in the Terra Ecosystem Revival Plan, the amount of LUNA users will be eligible to receive is determined by the types of tokens you held on the Terra Classic chain, the time-period that you held these tokens (based on Pre-Attack and Post-Attack snapshots), and the quantity of tokens held (as visualized on the below overview).

LUNA Airdrop Ratios

Following the Terra Ecosystem Revival Plan, below are the airdrop ratios indicating the LUNA 2.0 Bitvavo users will receive based on the LUNA (classic) they hold during the Pre- and Post-Attack snapshots.

These 30% of the LUNA 2.0. airdrop will be distributed and added to Bitvavo accounts on 2022-05-30 17:30 (CET). The remaining 70% of the LUNA 2.0. airdrop will be distributed on a monthly basis as from December 2022.

Risk Warning

Terra 2.0 (LUNA) is a new token that may pose a higher-than-normal risk, and as such may be subject to price volatility. Please ensure that you exercise all sufficient risk management, have done your own research in regards to LUNA’s fundamentals, and fully understand the project before making your decision to trade the token. According to our Terms of Use, you should refrain from trading if you are unsure and you should seek independent financial advice before trading.

For further information, please refer to the following:

The Bitvavo Team

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