
Kraken repeats as multi-award winner at the Customer Centricity World Series

3. Dez. 2024 3 Min. gelesen
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Overcoming strong competition, this year’s awards follow our 2023 CCWS Customer Success and Employee Experience category wins, along with our 2024 Customer Insight & Feedback win.

Our award-winning ability to improve client experience via AI

In the Best Use of AI in CX Europe category, we won based on our proven leveraging of artificial intelligence to enhance customer experience. Measurable improvements through customer satisfaction scores, along with thoughtful integration of ethical considerations in AI usage, were among the judging criteria.

Our award-winning entry centered around Kai, Kraken’s chatbot and first line of assistance for our clients who contact support via chat. Through efficiently resolving common questions from clients, Kai allows our human support team to devote more resources to the clients who need our signature 6-star support, while allowing clients with easily resolved issues to be helped instantly.

Ashley Speller, Kraken VP Client Engagement, said, “We’re thrilled to have been recognized once again for our dedication to delivering exceptional customer experiences. These awards are a testament to the hard work and commitment of our entire team, who strive every day to make a meaningful impact on our clients’ lives. We’re proud to be setting a new standard for customer centricity in our industry.”

Kraken recognized as a leading client-service employer

In the Employee Experience Strategy Europe category, the winner was chosen based on how well companies were able to provide a great environment for their employees to live, work and grow within.

In this entry, we focused on Kraken’s work from home policies, varied wellness programs, extensive professional development programs and strong company culture. We proudly continue our focus on maintaining a collaborative, passionate, and happy workforce who can share our enthusiasm with our clients.

Click here to read more about the Customer Centricity World Series Awards and to see the full list of winners.

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The post appeared first on Kraken Blog.

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