
It’s time to turn your crypto into payments with Kraken Pay

29. Jan. 2025 5 Min. gelesen
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Shouldn’t moving your money be as easy, cheap and instant as sending a text message or a photo to a friend? Introducing Kraken Pay — a new way to send money to anyone, anywhere, utilizing all the assets you have in your Kraken account.

Free your crypto with Kraken Pay

Sending payments just became cross-border and multi-currency

From the Americas to Asia, from DOGE to dollars, choose from 300+ fiat and cryptoassets to send to anyone, anywhere in the world for free.

Simply choose the fiat or cryptocurrency in your account you want to send and Kraken will instantly send the payment to your recipient.

The process takes seconds and is free. Better yet, if you only have Bitcoin but your friend only wants Swiss francs, Kraken will manage both the asset conversion and settlement transfer in one step.

This means all you have to do is choose an asset from your account and then choose which asset your friend wants to receive.

Text crypto to your friends

Sending payments  is as easy as sending a text using a paylink. A paylink is a simple and secure URL that can be sent using any messaging service, like SMS and WhatsApp. The recipient simply clicks on the paylink to accept payment.

If your friend or family member doesn’t have a Kraken account, you can still send them a broad range of fiat and cryptoassets using a paylink. All they need to do is set up a Kraken account after clicking on the paylink, and with a couple easy steps they can claim the funds.

Claim your customizable @Kraktag today

Moving cryptoassets across your social circle has not been easy, until today: Your Kraken Pay @Kraktag makes it so. A @Kraktag is a simple and secure unique identifier for Kraken Pay users. Use it to send and receive payments — either in crypto or fiat currency.

Your friends and family can simply enter your designated @Kraktag to send payments instead of needing to enter your full bank account details. No two @Kraktags are the same and you can customize your @Kraktag so that loved ones can find you in the Kraken App.

Get Kraking and turn your crypto into payments today

Kraken Pay is available for Kraken clients now! Choose from 300+ fiat and cryptoassets and send payments to anyone, anywhere in the world for free.

Free your crypto with Kraken Pay

Geographic restrictions apply. Instant buy/sell fees apply when you convert one asset or currency to another when making a transfer. Please see our fee schedule for more information. Applicable fees will be shown before you make a transfer.

These materials are for general information purposes only and are not investment advice or a recommendation or solicitation to buy, sell, stake or hold any cryptoasset or to engage in any specific trading strategy. Kraken does not and will not work to increase or decrease the price of any particular cryptoasset it makes available. Some crypto products and markets are regulated and others are unregulated; regardless, Kraken may or may not be required to be registered or otherwise authorised to provide specific products and services in each market, and you may not be protected by government compensation and/or regulatory protection schemes. The unpredictable nature of the cryptoasset markets can lead to loss of funds. Tax may be payable on any return and/or on any increase in the value of your cryptoassets and you should seek independent advice on your taxation position. Geographic restrictions may apply. See Legal Disclosures for each jurisdiction here.

The post It’s time to turn your crypto into payments with Kraken Pay appeared first on Kraken Blog.

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