
HTX Ventures Announces Strategic Investment in Merkle 3s Capital to Accelerate Web3 Innovation

19. Apr. 2024 2 Min. gelesen
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Merkle 3s Capital stands at the forefront of identifying and capitalizing on the next wave of market consensus, with a strategy that includes diverse investments in projects across both primary and secondary markets. With over a decade of industry experience and a portfolio that includes more than 100 investments across various blockchain ecosystems, Merkle 3s Capital has established itself as a key player in the Web3 space. The firm supports significant projects like Core, TON and Solana, leveraging its robust connections with leading crypto exchanges and top universities to advance technological innovation and global impact.

Edward, Managing Partner at HTX Ventures, emphasized the strategic value of the investment, stating, “We are pleased to welcome Merkle 3s Capital as one of our strategic partners through this investment. HTX Ventures is committed to our mission to support promising companies such as Merkle 3s Capital and develop the next generation of technological innovations. We continue to expand and diversify our Fund of Funds portfolio, while solidifying our position as a strong global investment leader.”

Sarah, Founding Partner at Merkle 3s Capital, said, “Merkle 3s Capital aims to empower top-notch technologists and entrepreneurs to build high-impact Web 3 and digital economy projects around the world. To achieve that, we lean on our network of strategic partners with resources including the best academic institutions, exchanges and communities. The investment from HTX Ventures will allow Merkle 3s Capital to continuously strengthen our resource pool and accelerate the growth of our portfolio projects.”

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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