
HTX’s Flexible Crypto Loans Goes Viral and May Spark a New Lending Trend in the Bull Market

12. Dez. 2024 3 Min. gelesen
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In a bull market, common strategies include holding long-term potential cryptos or taking advantage of high volatility for short-term trading profits. This often leads to a surge in DeFi activities, increased liquidity staking, and a more active lending market. Crypto users aim to maximize their funds and profits.

Against this backdrop, HTX’s newly launched Flexible Crypto Loans has gained popularity and is poised to spark a lending trend in the bull market.

Crypto Loans: A Powerful Tool to Unlock Asset Liquidity

HTX’s Crypto Loans is a flexible financial loan product that lets users pledge digital assets to borrow other cryptos such as USDT, BTC, and ETH, for various funding needs.

For example, a user anticipating a token’s price can pledge BTC to borrow USDT for investment without selling their holdings. If the token’s price rises as expected, they can sell, and repay the loan and their BTC.

HTX launched its highly-anticipated Flexible Crypto Loans, adding to its suite of fixed-term products. This new offering allows fee-free, flexible borrowing and repayment, making it an ideal tool for efficient fund utilization.

Impressive Data: Growth in Both Scale and User Base

With ultra-low interest rates, flexible terms, and a great user experience, HTX’s Flexible Crypto Loans has seen significant growth in both user base and lending volume. In less than 10 days, the lending volume exceeded 30 million USDT. Compared to before the launch, HTX’s overall lending volume has quintupled, and the number of borrowers has tripled.

This achievement demonstrates users’ trust in HTX’s products and indicates growing market acceptance of the Crypto Loans model.

Prize Pool Doubles and Ultra-Low Interest Rates Continue for an Upgraded User Experience

HTX has launched the second phase of the “Borrow & Earn” event. From December 12 02:00 (UTC) to December 18 15:59 (UTC), users who borrow USDT via Flexible Crypto Loans can share a  5.4 billion $HTX prize pool.

The first phase offered a 2.7billion $HTX prize pool, and this phase doubles that. HTX’s Flexible Crypto Loans remains committed to low interest rates, helping users to maximize returns with affordable borrowing.

This highlights the popularity of Crypto Loans and HTX’s commitment to offering Flexible Crypto Loans.

HTX plans to introduce more promotions and innovative features to enhance user experience. If the lending volume for Flexible Crypto Loans reaches 50 million USDT by the end of the second phase, the next phase’s prize pool will double to 10.8 billion $HTX.

About HTX

Founded in 2013, HTX has evolved from a virtual asset exchange into a comprehensive ecosystem of blockchain businesses that span digital asset trading, financial derivatives, research, investments, incubation, and other businesses.

As a world-leading gateway to Web3, we harbor global capabilities that enable us to provide users with safe and reliable services.

Our growth strategy – “Global Expansion, Thriving Ecosystem, Wealth Effect, Security & Compliance”, underpins our commitment to providing quality services and values to virtual asset enthusiasts worldwide.

Contact Details

Ruder Finn Asia

[email protected]

Company Website


The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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