
HTX’s Asia Tour During 2024 Bitcoin Pizza Day: A Carnival Connecting the Crypto Community

28. Mai 2024 3 Min. gelesen
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The celebration of Bitcoin Pizza Day with friends from around the world has become an established tradition on HTX. This year, the platform has launched over 11 online BTC Pizza Day Carnival events, with a total prize pool exceeding 1 million USDT up for grabs. Moreover, beyond just online celebrations, HTX also hosts offline in-person gatherings, which hold an irreplaceable appeal for community-focused events like this. During the Bitcoin Pizza Day period, HTX embarked on an Asia tour, making stops in destinations including Chinese Taiwan, Vietnam, and the Philippines, to share pizzas with the platform’s users and celebrate this special day for the crypto sphere together.

From May 21 to 22, HTX’s presence was evident at various event locations across Asia. Titleholders of Miss Asia were spotted driving BMWs specially wrapped with HTX branding, distributing pizzas to VIP clients, KOLs, and business partners across various locations. People from diverse backgrounds and speaking various dialects, who share a common belief in Bitcoin, also came together through their connection with HTX.

In celebration of the 2024 Bitcoin Pizza Day, HTX rolled out an array of innovative online and offline events, aiming to provide richer experiences and greater benefits for cryptocurrency enthusiasts around the world. While the Pizza Day festivities have concluded, HTX will remain committed to investing in this sector. The platform will introduce more unique events, offering innovative gameplay within different exchange services and facilitating in-person communication offline. These initiatives are designed to cater to the diverse needs of users and greatly enhance their overall experience. Counting down to your presence next year for another fantastic Bitcoin Pizza Day celebration!

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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