
HTX Releases January Security Monthly Report, Sending Over 380,000 Security Reminders to Users

17. Feb. 2025 3 Min. gelesen
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Account Security: 380,000+ Security Reminders Issued to Prevent Potential Threats

In January, HTX sent out 380,003 security reminders, empowering users to proactively address security threats. This included 339,480 email reminders and 40,523 SMS reminders.

The platform makes continuous efforts to combat phishing and fraudulent activities. It successfully targeted and shut down 6 phishing websites and fake app download sites, helping prevent users from falling victim to scams and safeguarding their accounts.

Transaction Security: Recovering $70,000+ in User Funds By Intercepting Abnormal Transactions

In terms of transaction security, HTX’s multi-layered risk controls effectively detect and prevent abnormal transactions. It successfully intercepted 3 withdrawal attempts to scam addresses, recovering 72,962 USDT in assets for users.

Besides, the platform also accepted user reports through multiple channels, resolving 7 incidents involving external stolen assets flowing into the platform and assisting in freezing stolen funds totaling 193,702 USDT, significantly reducing losses for affected users.

Asset Security: 189 Blacklisted Addresses Added to Prevent Inflow of Illicit Funds

HTX also spares no effort in preventing the inflow of illicit funds. In January, HTX added 189 new addresses to its blacklist and intercepted 4 deposits from those blacklisted addresses, totaling 624,190 USDT. These efforts effectively prevented the inflow of illicit funds and further enhanced the platform’s financial health.

Regular Merkle Tree PoR Updates with Reserve Ratio Consistently Staying above 100%

While maintaining robust security, HTX continues to enhance asset transparency by regularly publishing PoR reports to foster greater user trust. Recently, the platform has updated its Merkle Tree Proof of Reserves for February 2025, indicating that its reserve ratio for major mainstream assets consistently exceeds 100%. The latest proof of reserves data is as follows: BTC 101%, ETH 100%, TRX 105%, USDT 101%, HTX 104%, XRP 101%, DOGE 100%, SOL 102%. This update marks the 28th time HTX has publicly disclosed its Merkle Tree reserve data.

Users can access the monthly updated reports and view the platform’s financial status from the “Assets – PoR Reports” page on the HTX official website.

HTX prioritizes user asset security and transparency. By diligently monitoring and addressing security threats, HTX strives to provide a secure and reliable trading environment for all users. Choosing HTX means choosing a platform that not only offers access to premium early-stage assets but also prioritizes user safety with a robust security framework.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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