
HTX Launches Launchpool #2: Fourfold Airdrops

11. Jan. 2025 3 Min. gelesen
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Launchpool Upgraded: Effortlessly Earn Multiple Rewards with a Single Asset

Since its introduction, HTX’s Launchpool has captured significant attention from users. The first Launchpool boasted a prize pool of approximately 100,000 USDT, and attracted over 150,000 participants! The event not only allows users to mine a variety of premium assets but also introduces a new ‘Single Asset for Multiple Rewards’ model that combines earning and mining. This helps users earn both returns and airdrops with simple lockup or subscriptions to Flexible Earn products.

This round of Launchpool offers four quality assets for airdrop rewards, with generous prize pools. Participants will have the chance to share the following rewards:

VIRTUAL: 7-day mining prize pool of 22,394 VIRTUAL

AVA: 7-day mining prize pool of 14,080 AVA

MOODENGETH: 7-day mining prize pool of 333,444,481 MOODENGETH

KIMA: 7-day mining prize pool of 71,306 KIMA

Through this Launchpool event, users can lock up $HTX to earn airdrops of four assets and enjoy a new passive earning and mining model based on $HTX. The “One Asset for Multiple Rewards” approach significantly enhances user flexibility and earnings, offering more diverse asset management and earnings options.

Join Now: Enjoy Airdrops for Four Quality Assets and Reap Earning + Mining Rewards

The mining period for this Launchpool lasts 7 days, from 09:00 (UTC) on January 8 to 09:00 (UTC) on January 15, 2025. During this period, you can participate through $HTX lockup or subscriptions to Flexible Earn products to enjoy generous airdrop rewards.

Participation in this round of Launchpool is simple. You can tap Activities > Launchpool on the HTX website or tap More > Launchpool in the official app, then follow the following steps:

1. Lock up $HTX or subscribe to the $HTX Flexible Earn product for a chance to qualify for airdrops.

2. Lock your assets or subscribe to Flexible Earn products to qualify for the fourfold mining rewards.

3. Claim your rewards easily. Simply participate during the event period to enjoy both earning rewards and receiving airdrops.

The HTX platform allows users to participate in this Launchpool anytime through spot asset lockup or subscriptions to $HTX Earn products. This event offers users flexible asset management solutions, enabling them to earn rewards while enjoying the airdrop benefits provided by the project parties.


The second round of HTX Launchpool airdrops not only offers multiple airdrop rewards but also merges earning and mining, providing users with a more flexible and diverse participation experience. With airdrops for four quality assets, users can easily earn substantial returns through simple participation, unlocking new opportunities for both earning and mining.

The event officially started at 09:00 (UTC+8) on January 8, 2025. Don’t miss out on this excellent opportunity! You can participate anytime via the HTX platform and easily earn fourfold mining rewards.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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