
HTX Hosts Dubai Whale Night: Building an Open and Interconnected Web3 Ecosystem

24. Apr. 2024 2 Min. gelesen
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Notable attendees include H.E. Justin Sun, a member of the HTX Global Advisory Board, Edward, HTX Ventures Managing Partner, and Park JiHye, DeepLink CSO, who each delivered a speech on the development of the cryptocurrency industry.

Through a video, Sun extended a warm welcome to guests and emphasized the importance of collaboration among developers, project teams, and the crypto communities for building a more open and interconnected Web3 ecosystem.

Edward showcased their successful investments in public chains, Layer2 solutions, the EVM ecosystem, SocialFi, and Web3 ventures. Future investments will focus on cutting-edge technologies like BTC Layer2, AI integration within Web3, Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), and Chain Abstraction. HTX Ventures welcomes more partnerships with top leading projects and funds to propel Web3’s growth.

Park JiHye expressed optimism about the potential of DePIN and Web3. Their collaboration with HTX aims to accelerate the development and adoption of blockchain solutions within the gaming industry.

It is noteworthy that HTX has organized a series of recent events in Dubai to establish partnerships with top industry ecosystems, project teams, media outlets, and blockchain communities. These events include Core’s Bitcoin Social Afterparty, co-hosted by Core Foundation and HTX Ventures, as well as exclusive meetups with key market makers.

This move demonstrates HTX’s branding strategy of expanding globally while striving for balanced growth and underscores its determination to lead industry innovation. Moving forward, HTX aims to collaborate with more prominent industry players to explore innovative approaches and cooperation models, promoting wider global adoption and recognition of cryptocurrencies. By doing so, they aspire to contribute to the continuous development and optimization of the Web3 ecosystem, fostering overall industry prosperity. Its commitment to fostering Web3 ecosystem growth will contribute to the overall prosperity of the cryptocurrency landscape.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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