
From South Korea to the U.S.: What’s Justin Sun’s Planning for $HTX?

2. Jan. 2025 3 Min. gelesen
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Targeting the Korean Market? $HTX’s Full Circulation Signals Ambition

On December 26, Justin Sun tweeted the South Korean flag on X, sending shockwaves through the community. This followed HTX DAO’s announcement “Transition of $HTX to a Fully Circulated Token” for stating its aim at global expansion. By releasing all remaining uncirculated $HTX to the HTX DAO Governance Committee, the DAO aligned with its strategic roadmap. Many connect these events, believing Justin is targeting the South Korean market with $HTX.

While the official stance remains unclear, rumors suggest that HTX DAO has forged ties with a major South Korean exchange. If $HTX successfully enters the South Korean market, it could significantly impact a broader market. After all, South Korean users are famous for their enthusiasm and sharp market sensitivity.

A Honeymoon for $HTX in the U.S. Market? The Key to Global Expansion

If the South Korean market serves as the beachhead in Asia, the U.S. market is undeniably the core of global expansion. Justin’s recent high-profile activities in the U.S. imply that $HTX might be poised for remarkable progress in this crucial market.

Last month, Justin made headlines by investing $30 million in the Trump family’s cryptocurrency project, World Liberty Financial (WLFI), becoming its largest investor. “The U.S. is becoming a blockchain hub, and Bitcoin’s success owes a great deal to Trump,” Justin remarked.

Following this, Justin attended the Bitcoin MENA 2024, engaging in a productive conversation with Eric Trump, the second son of President-Elect Donald Trump. Their discussions, reportedly covering blockchain, digital asset regulations, and more, quickly spread across the news.

$HTX’s New Layout May Unleash the Next Wave of Wealth Creation

Despite being established for only less than a year, HTX DAO has achieved remarkable growth, with its community expanding rapidly. As of December 31, 2024, the total market capitalization of $HTX has reached $2.399 billion, with a user base of around 707,300.

For a DAO dedicated to be “an integral part of the future of blockchain ecosystem developments”,  a global strategy is one of the key elements for its development. As stated in the whitepaper, HTX DAO “welcomes a decentralized governance structure consisting of a diverse group of visionaries and stakeholders holding HTX tokens, united by a shared commitment to drive the initiative towards success”. If blockchain enthusiasts worldwide can gain access to $HTX and enter the HTX DAO ecosystem, it will greatly accelerate HTX DAO’s push toward decentralized governance model innovation. The active crypto markets in South Korea and the United States are particularly well-suited to serve as key hubs in HTX DAO’s global strategy.

Historically, every major move by $HTX has been accompanied by significant wealth effects. Successfully entering the South Korean and U.S. markets would undoubtedly attract more international users and facilitate greater capital flow. Such a cross-market strategy, spanning both East and West, may very well be the starting point for a new wave of wealth effects.

The post first appeared on HTX Square.

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