
$20,000 in Bitcoin to be Won in Binance Futures 1st Anniversary Video Competition!

21. Aug. 2020 3 Min. gelesen
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Activity Period

2020/08/22 00:00 AM (UTC) - 2020/09/07 23:59 AM (UTC)

How to Participate

Create a new and original video that contains all of the following:

  • How to open a Futures account (via your link or code)

  • How to transfer funds to the “Futures coin-margined wallet”

  • Contract explanation:Coin-margined futures

    • perpetual swap

    • quarterly futures

  • How to trade on Binance Futures (risks involved, order types)

  • PnL explanation

  • ‘Live’ trading

  • Must include your referral/affiliate link or code in either the video or description

  • Optional - A shout-out to Binance Futures 1st Year Anniversary


Influencer prizes:

  • 1st: $7,000 in BTC

  • 2nd: $2,500 in BTC

  • 3rd: $1,500 in BTC

  • 4th - 10th Place: $500 each in BTC

Influencer prizes will be determined by the total number of views on the submitted videos Youtube link.

Community prizes:

  • 1st: $2,000 in BTC

  • 2nd: $1,000 in BTC

  • 3rd: $750 in BTC

  • 4th - 10th Place: $250 each in BTC

Community prizes will be determined by a panel of 10 Binance team members will score each video on the quality, content and creativity at the end of which, all scores will be averaged and final winners will be those with the highest average scores.

Note - In addition to the above prizes, all winners from both categories will also receive a Binance swag pack each.

Useful Resources

Risk warning: Futures trading is a highly risky endeavor, with the potential for both great profits and significant losses. Please be aware that in the event of extreme price movement, there is a chance that all margin balance in your futures wallet may be liquidated.

Terms & Conditions

  • All submissions must be original works of the entrants.

  • Fill out this form, provide your Binance ID, Binance Account Email Address, and the YouTube link for the video. If the participant does not fill out the form, he/she is not eligible for the prizes.

  • By participating in this competition, authorship remains with the entrant, but the entrant acknowledges to transfer the copyright of the submitted video to Binance. All participants grant Binance, including but not limited to, copy, edit, display and publish the submissions.

  • Submissions will be closed on 2020/09/08 00:00 AM (UTC)

  • Binance will announce the Top 10 winning entrants of both contest categories within 7 business days after the conclusion of the competition.

  • Awards will be distributed 14 working days after the conclusion of the competition.

  • The criteria for determining the winners are as follows:

    • Influencer Category: Total number of views on submitted youtube link. Should two participants have the exact number of views, the winner will then be based on the total number of likes.

    • Fans Category: A panel of 10 Binance team members will score each video on the quality, content and creativity at the end of which, all scores will be averaged and final winners will be those with the highest average scores.

  • Videos determined to have their number of views falsely boosted etc via any malicious means will mean the disqualification of the participant from the competition.

  • Binance reserves the right of final interpretation.

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