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Binance Academy PH’s Learn and Earn Training Academy - 6 Campaigns for August 2020

11. Aug. 2020 3 Min. gelesen
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It is a 2-week back-to-back program taught live by some of the top cryptocurrency traders in the Philippines based on live markets. Lessons will be 2 hours per day on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. We will also direct participants to the Binance Academy links for additional information.

Here are the courses divided by levels:

For Week 1: Basic - Learn and Earn in P2P (Cashback)

  • Day 1: Technical Analysis vs. Fundamental Analysis, Trading vs. Investing

  • Day 2: Market Cycle and Driving Factors, Market Trends

  • Day 3: How to Trade in P2P using the Binance platform?

  • Day 4: Promotion

  • Day 5: Close out P2P Beginners Competition

For Week 2: Intermediate - Learn and Earn in Spot, Margin + Futures (Tournament)

  • Day 1: How to trade in Spot, Margin, and Futures, Futures contracts vs spot trading using the Binance Platform?

  • Day 2: What are Options Contracts, Trading Strategy, Risk Management

  • Day 3: Trading Strategy, Portfolio Management, Day Trading, Position Trading, Swing Trading, Scalping, etc.

  • Day 4: Promotion

  • Day 5: Close out Spot, Margin + Futures Tournament

  • Day 8: Close out P2P Elite Promo

Weeks 3 and 4 is the 2nd cohort cycle of the Learn and Earn Training program, which will follow the same sequence and competitions.

For students:

  • Interested participants need to register here to qualify for the prize.

  • Students from the basic training program automatically qualify for the intermediate training program.

  • Interested participants who were not part of the basic training may still qualify for the intermediate training reward by referring a friend and have them trade any amount of crypto through the Binance Futures platform.


  • All students enrolled in the program will have perks on all upcoming Binance events or campaigns.

  • For the duration of the course, there will be trading competitions each week exclusive for enrolled students to gauge how much the students have learned on the course.

  • Students who excel in the competitions throughout the course period will be rewarded each week.

  • Unallocated prizes for the first cohort will be rolled over the next cohort cycle.

To get started, register now!

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